Module rucky::modularity [] [src]

Provides macros to declare or use crates, modules.

As their names explain, import_crates! and import! macros are shortcut to extern crate and use statement respectively.


Quick samples below:

#[macro_use] extern crate rucky;
import_crates! {
    rustc_serialize, toml;
import! {
    std::io {stdout, Write};
    std::ffi *;
    toml {Value, Table};


will be expanded to:

extern crate rustc_serialize;
extern crate toml;

use std::io::{stdout, Write};
use std::ffi::*;

Import crates

import_crates! macro can only generate extern crate statement, note that it will never import their module members, neither automatically nor explicitly. So only thing you can put in the macro block is just crate's names. You also need trailing semicolons ; to tell the macro where to stop a statement.

Additionaly, you can group crates by attributes with following syntax:

import_crates! {
    rand, serde_json;
    #[cfg(windows)] winapi, kernel32_sys;

and the code will be

extern crate rand;
extern crate serde_json;
#[cfg(windows)] extern crate winapi;
#[cfg(windows)] extern crate kernel32_sys;

Import modules

For import! macro, The syntax used inside is quite similar to the ones for use statement, but there are some deviations.

The basics like this:


Or import multiple items at once with:

import! {
    nickel { Nickel, HttpRouter };
    toml { Value, Table };
    std::collections { LinkedList, HashSet };

Note that you need to split last segment of module name and block of items with whitespace, insead of double colons :: usually used in use statement.

Glob imports are also supported:

import!(std::io::prelude *);

import! {
    rustc_serialize *;
    regex *;

As you see, separate-with-whitespace rule is also applied to glob-star * and path segments as well as multi-item import. That is the limit of this macro.

What you cannot do

  • You can't define alias with as keyword when importing an item