Struct rubullet::PhysicsClient[][src]

pub struct PhysicsClient { /* fields omitted */ }
Expand description

Connection to a physics server.

This serves as an abstraction over the possible physics servers, providing a unified interface.


Creates a PhysicsClient by connecting to a physics simulation.

There are different Modes for creating a PhysicsClient:

  • Gui mode creates an OpenGL window where the simulation will be visualized. There can only be one Gui instance at a time.
  • Direct mode will run without any visualization. In this mode you cannot access OpenGL features like debugging lines, text and Parameters. You also cannot get mouse or keyboard events. The can be many instances of PhysicsClients running in Direct mode

There are also other modes for more advanced use cases. However, these were not heavily tested, so be careful when you use them.

reset_simulation will remove all objects from the world and reset the world to initial conditions.

Warning: in many cases it is best to leave the timeStep to default, which is 240Hz. Several parameters are tuned with this value in mind. For example the number of solver iterations and the error reduction parameters (erp) for contact, friction and non-contact joints are related to the time step. If you change the time step, you may need to re-tune those values accordingly, especially the erp values.

You can set the physics engine timestep that is used when calling step_simulation. It is best to only call this method at the start of a simulation. Don’t change this time step regularly.

By default, the physics server will not step the simulation, unless you explicitly send a step_simulation command. This way you can maintain control determinism of the simulation It is possible to run the simulation in real-time by letting the physics server automatically step the simulation according to its real-time-clock (RTC) using the set_real_time_simulation command. If you enable the real-time simulation, you don’t need to call step_simulation.

Note that set_real_time_simulation has no effect in Direct mode : in Direct mode mode the physics server and client happen in the same thread and you trigger every command. In Gui mode and in Virtual Reality mode, and TCP/UDP mode, the physics server runs in a separate thread from the client (RuBullet), and set_real_time_simulation allows the physics server thread to add additional calls to step_simulation.


  • enable_real_time_simulation - activates or deactivates real-time simulation

Sets an additional search path for loading assets.

Sets the default gravity force for all objects.

By default, there is no gravitational force enabled.


  • gravity - a gravity vector. Can be a Vector3, a [f64;3]-array or anything else that can be converted into a Vector3.

Sends a command to the physics server to load a physics model from a Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) model.


  • file - a relative or absolute path to the URDF file on the file system of the physics server
  • options - use additional options like global_scaling and use_maximal_coordinates for loading the URDF-file. See UrdfOptions.


use anyhow::Result;
use rubullet::*;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut physics_client = PhysicsClient::connect(Mode::Direct)?;
    let cube = physics_client.load_urdf("cube.urdf", None)?;
    assert_eq!("baseLink", physics_client.get_body_info(cube)?.base_name);
    for i in 0..10 {
        let _cube = physics_client.load_urdf(
            UrdfOptions {
                flags: LoadModelFlags::URDF_ENABLE_CACHED_GRAPHICS_SHAPES,
    assert_eq!(11, physics_client.get_num_bodies());

Sends a command to the physics server to load a physics model from a Simulation Description Format (SDF) model.


  • file - a relative or absolute path to the SDF file on the file system of the physics server.
  • options - use additional options like global_scaling and use_maximal_coordinates for loading the SDF-file. See SdfOptions.


Returns a list of unique body id’s


use anyhow::Result;
use rubullet::*;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut physics_client = PhysicsClient::connect(Mode::Direct)?;
    let cubes = physics_client.load_sdf("two_cubes.sdf", None)?;
    assert_eq!(3, cubes.len()); // 2 cubes + 1 plane

Sends a command to the physics server to load a physics model from a MuJoCo model.


  • file - a relative or absolute path to the MuJoCo file on the file system of the physics server.
  • flags - Flags for loading the model. Set to None if you do not whish to provide any.


Returns a list of unique body id’s


use anyhow::Result;
use rubullet::*;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut physics_client = PhysicsClient::connect(Mode::Direct)?;
    let stadium = physics_client.load_mjcf("mjcf/hello_mjcf.xml", None)?;
    assert_eq!(2, stadium.len()); // 1 cube + 1 plane

    let plane = physics_client.load_mjcf("mjcf/ground_plane.xml", LoadModelFlags::URDF_ENABLE_CACHED_GRAPHICS_SHAPES)?;
    assert_eq!(1, plane.len());

Performs all the actions in a single forward dynamics simulation step such as collision detection, constraint solving, and integration.

Reports the current transform of the base.


You can reset the position and orientation of the base (root) of each object. It is best only to do this at the start, and not during a running simulation, since the command will override the effect of all physics simulation. The linear and angular velocity is set to zero. You can use reset_base_velocity to reset to a non-zero linear and/or angular velocity.


  • body - the BodyId, as returned by load_urdf etc.
  • pose - reset the base of the object to the specified pose in world space coordinates

You get access to the linear and angular velocity of the base of a body.



Returns a result which is either a Velocity (linear velocity, angular velocity) or an Error

See also

reset_base_velocity to reset a base velocity and for examples

Reset the linear and/or angular velocity of the base of a body


  • body - the BodyId, as returned by load_urdf etc.
  • linear_velocity - either a [f64;3] or a Vector3 which contains the desired linear velocity (x,y,z) in Cartesian world coordinates or None to not change the linear velocity
  • angular_velocity - either a [f64;3] or a Vector3 which contains the desired angular velocity (wx,wy,wz) in Cartesian world coordinates or None to not change the angular velocity


use anyhow::Result;
use nalgebra::{Isometry3, Vector3};
use rubullet::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
   let mut physics_client = PhysicsClient::connect(Mode::Direct)?;
   let _plane_id = physics_client.load_urdf("plane.urdf", None)?;
   let cube_start_position = Isometry3::translation(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
   let box_id = physics_client.load_urdf(
       UrdfOptions {
           base_transform: cube_start_position,

       .reset_base_velocity(box_id, [1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]);
   let velocity = physics_client.get_base_velocity(box_id)?;
   assert_eq!(velocity.to_vector().as_slice(), &[1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.]);

       .reset_base_velocity(box_id, Vector3::zeros(), None);
   let velocity = physics_client.get_base_velocity(box_id)?;
   assert_eq!(velocity.to_vector().as_slice(), &[0., 0., 0., 4., 5., 6.]);

       .reset_base_velocity(box_id, None, [0., 0., 0.]);
   let velocity = physics_client.get_base_velocity(box_id)?;
   assert_eq!(velocity.to_vector().as_slice(), & [0.; 6]);


Queries the Cartesian world pose for the center of mass for a link. It will also report the local inertial frame of the center of mass to the URDF link frame, to make it easier to compute the graphics/visualization frame.


  • the returned link velocity will only be available if compute_link_velocity is set to true. Otherwise, it will be None.


  • body - the BodyId, as returned by load_urdf etc.
  • link_index - link index
  • compute_link_velocity - will compute the link velocity and put it into the LinkState if set to true. Otherwise the velocity within the LinkState will be invalid.
  • compute_forward_kinematics - if true the Cartesian world pose will be recomputed using forward kinematics.

See also

getLinkStates will return the information for multiple links. Instead of link_index it will accept link_indices as an array of i32. This can improve performance by reducing calling overhead of multiple calls to get_link_state() .


  • the returned link velocity will only be valid if compute_link_velocity is set to true


  • body - the BodyId, as returned by load_urdf etc.
  • link_indices - link indices
  • compute_link_velocity - will compute the link velocity and put it into the LinkState if set to true. Otherwise the velocity within the LinkState will be invalid.
  • compute_forward_kinematics - if true the Cartesian world pose will be recomputed using forward kinematics.

See also

You can change the properties such as mass, friction and restitution coefficients using this method.


  • body - the BodyId, as returned by load_urdf etc.
  • link_index - link index or None for the base. Note that not all options require a link index. In those cases where you only want to set these kind of parameters you can just set the link_index to None.
  • options - Various options to the change the dynamics.


    let cube_id = physics_client.load_urdf(
        UrdfOptions {
            base_transform: Isometry3::translation(0., 0., 1.),
        ChangeDynamicsOptions {
            mass: Some(38.),
            lateral_friction: Some(0.1),
    let dynamics_info = physics_client.get_dynamics_info(cube_id, None)?;
    println!("{:?}", dynamics_info);
    assert!((dynamics_info.mass - 38.).abs() < 1e-7);
    assert!((dynamics_info.lateral_friction - 0.1).abs() < 1e-7);

With this method you can get information about the mass, center of mass, friction and other properties of the base and links.


  • body - the BodyId, as returned by load_urdf etc.
  • link_index - link index or None for the base.

See change_dynamics for an example

returns the number of joints of a body


Query info about a joint like its name and type


See JointInfo for an example use

You can reset the state of the joint. It is best only to do this at the start, while not running the simulation: resetJointState overrides all physics simulation. Note that we only support 1-DOF motorized joints at the moment, sliding joint or revolute joints.


  • body - the BodyId, as returned by load_urdf etc.
  • joint_index - a joint index in the range [0..get_num_joints(body)]
  • value - the joint position (angle in radians or position)
  • velocity- optional joint velocity (angular or linear velocity)

get information about the joint state such as the joint position, velocity, joint reaction forces and joint motor torque.


get_joint_states is the array version of get_joint_state. Instead of passing in a single joint_index, you pass in a list of joint_indices.


calculate_mass_matrix will compute the system inertia for an articulated body given its joint positions. The composite rigid body algorithm (CBRA) is used to compute the mass matrix.


  • body - the BodyId, as returned by load_urdf etc.
  • object_positions - joint positions for each link


The result is the square mass matrix with dimensions dofCount * dofCount, stored as a list of dofCount rows, each row is a list of dofCount mass matrix elements. Note that when multidof (spherical) joints are involved, calculate_mass_matrix will use a different code path, that is a bit slower.

You can compute the joint angles that makes the end-effector reach a given target position in Cartesian world space. Internally, Bullet uses an improved version of Samuel Buss Inverse Kinematics library. At the moment only the Damped Least Squares method with or without Null Space control is exposed, with a single end-effector target. Optionally you can also specify the target orientation of the end effector. In addition, there is an option to use the null-space to specify joint limits and rest poses.

See InverseKinematicsParametersBuilder and InverseKinematicsParameters for more details.



If you set the NullSpaceParameters wrong this function will return an error, while the PyBullet just uses the normal Ik instead.

calculate_inverse_dynamics will compute the forces needed to reach the given joint accelerations, starting from specified joint positions and velocities. The inverse dynamics is computed using the recursive Newton Euler algorithm (RNEA).


  • body - the BodyId, as returned by load_urdf etc.
  • object_positions - joint positions for each degree of freedom (DoF). Note that fixed joints have 0 degrees of freedom. The base is skipped/ignored in all cases (floating base and fixed base).
  • object_velocities - joint velocities for each degree of freedom (DoF)
  • object_acceleration - desired joint accelerations for each degree of freedom (DoF)


When multidof (spherical) joints are involved, the calculate_inverse_dynamics uses a different code path and is a bit slower. Also note that calculate_inverse_dynamics ignores the joint/link damping, while forward dynamics (in stepSimulation) includes those damping terms. So if you want to compare the inverse dynamics and forward dynamics, make sure to set those damping terms to zero using change_dynamics with

use rubullet::ChangeDynamicsOptions;
ChangeDynamicsOptions {
    joint_damping: Some(0.),
    linear_damping: Some(0.),
    angular_damping: Some(0.),

See also the inverse_dynamics example in the example folder.

calculate_jacobian will compute the translational and rotational jacobians for a point on a link, e.g. x_dot = J * q_dot. The returned jacobians are slightly different depending on whether the root link is fixed or floating. If floating, the jacobians will include columns corresponding to the root link degrees of freedom; if fixed, the jacobians will only have columns associated with the joints. The function call takes the full description of the kinematic state, this is because calculateInverseDynamics is actually called first and the desired jacobians are extracted from this; therefore, it is reasonable to pass zero vectors for joint velocities and accelerations if desired.


  • body - the BodyId, as returned by load_urdf etc.
  • link_index - link index for the jacobian.
  • local_position - the point on the specified link to compute the jacobian for, in link local coordinates around its center of mass. It needs to be something that can be converted to a Translation3 (Vector3, Point3, [f64;3], ..)
  • object_positions - joint positions (angles)
  • object_velocities - joint velocities
  • object_accelerations - desired joint accelerations

See for an example

sets joint motor commands. This function is the rust version of setJointMotorControl2 from PyBullet. This function differs a bit from the corresponding PyBullet function. Instead of providing optional arguments that depend on the Control Mode, the necessary parameters are directly encoded in the ControlCommand Enum.

We can control a robot by setting a desired control command for one or more joint motors. During the step_simulation the physics engine will simulate the motors to reach the given target value that can be reached within the maximum motor forces and other constraints.

Important Note:

by default, each revolute joint and prismatic joint is motorized using a velocity motor. You can disable those default motor by using a maximum force of 0. This will let you perform torque control. For Example:

    client.set_joint_motor_control(panda_id, joint_index, ControlCommand::Velocity(0.), Some(0.));


  • body - the BodyId, as returned by load_urdf etc.
  • joint_index - link index in range [0..get_num_joints(bodyUniqueId)] (note that link index == joint index)
  • control_command - Specifies how to control the robot (Position, Torque, etc.) inlcuding the respective values.
  • maximum_force - this is the maximum motor force used to reach the target value. It has no effect in Torque mode.


use rubullet::{ControlCommand, PhysicsClient, Mode};
use anyhow::Result;
pub fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut client = PhysicsClient::connect(Mode::Direct)?;
    let panda_id = client.load_urdf("franka_panda/panda.urdf", None)?;
    let joint_index = 1;
    client.set_joint_motor_control(panda_id, joint_index, ControlCommand::Torque(100.), None);
    client.set_joint_motor_control(panda_id, joint_index, ControlCommand::Position(0.4), Some(1000.));

The array version of set_joint_motor_control(). This reduces the calling overhead and should therefore be faster. See set_joint_motor_control() for more details.


  • body - the BodyId, as returned by load_urdf etc.
  • joint_indices - list of link indices in range [0..get_num_joints(bodyUniqueId)] (note that link index == joint index)
  • control_command - Specifies how to control the robot (Position, Torque, etc.)
  • maximum_force - this is the maximum motor force used to reach the target value for each joint. It has no effect in Torque mode.

computes the view matrix which can be used together with the projection matrix to generate camera images within the simulation


  • camera_eye_position - eye position in Cartesian world coordinates
  • camera_target_position - position of the target (focus) point, in Cartesian world coordinates
  • camera_up_vector - up vector of the camera, in Cartesian world coordinates


use rubullet::PhysicsClient;
use nalgebra::Vector3;

// variant 1: using arrays
let eye_position = [1.; 3];
let target_position = [1., 0., 0.];
let up_vector = [0., 1., 0.];
let view_matrix_from_arrays = PhysicsClient::compute_view_matrix(eye_position, target_position, up_vector);

// variant 2: using vectors
let eye_position = Vector3::new(1.,1.,1.);
let target_position = Vector3::new(1., 0., 0.);
let up_vector = Vector3::new(0., 1., 0.);
let view_matrix_from_points = PhysicsClient::compute_view_matrix(eye_position, target_position, up_vector);

See also

computes the view matrix which can be used together with the projection matrix to generate camera images within the simulation


  • camera_target_position - position of the target (focus) point, in Cartesian world coordinates
  • distance - distance from eye to focus point
  • yaw - yaw angle in degrees left/right around up-axis.
  • pitch - pitch in degrees up/down.
  • roll - roll in degrees around forward vector
  • z_axis_is_up - if true the Z axis is the up axis of the camera. Otherwise the Y axis will be the up axis.


use rubullet::PhysicsClient;
use nalgebra::Vector3;
// variant 1: using array
let target_position = [1., 0., 0.];
let view_matrix_from_array = PhysicsClient::compute_view_matrix_from_yaw_pitch_roll(
// variant 1: using Vector3
let target_position = Vector3::new(1., 0., 0.);
let view_matrix_from_point = PhysicsClient::compute_view_matrix_from_yaw_pitch_roll(

See also

computes the projection matrix which can be used together with the view matrix to generate camera images within the simulation


  • left - left screen (canvas) coordinate
  • right - right screen (canvas) coordinate
  • bottom - bottom screen (canvas) coordinate
  • top - top screen (canvas) coordinate
  • near - near plane distance
  • far - far plane distance

See also

computes the projection matrix which can be used together with the view matrix to generate camera images within the simulation


  • fov - left screen (canvas) coordinate
  • aspect - right screen (canvas) coordinate
  • near_val - near plane distance
  • far_val - far plane distance

See also

returns an RGBA, depth and segmentation images.


Depth and segmentation images are currently not really images as the image crate does not properly support these types yet.


  • width - eye position in Cartesian world coordinates
  • height - position of the target (focus) point, in Cartesian world coordinates
  • options - additional options to set view and projection matrix etc.

See also

This method can configure some settings of the built-in OpenGL visualizer, such as enabling or disabling wireframe, shadows and GUI rendering. This is useful since some laptops or Desktop GUIs have performance issues with our OpenGL 3 visualizer.


  • flag - Feature to enable or disable
  • enable - enables or disables the feature

You can add a 3d line specified by a 3d starting point (from) and end point (to), a color [red,green,blue], a line width and a duration in seconds.


  • line_from_xyz - starting point of the line in Cartesian world coordinates. Can be a Point3, a Vector3, an array or anything else than can be converted into a Vector3.
  • line_to_xyz - end point of the line in Cartesian world coordinates. Can be a Point3, a Vector3, an array or anything else than can be converted into a Vector3.
  • options - advanced options for the line. Use None for default settings.


A unique item id of the line. You can use remove_user_debug_item() to delete it.


let mut client = PhysicsClient::connect(Gui)?;
    let red_line = client.add_user_debug_line(
        [0.; 3],
        AddDebugLineOptions {
            line_color_rgb: [1., 0., 0.],

Lets you add custom sliders and buttons to tune parameters.


  • param_name - name of the parameter. Needs to be something that can be converted to a &str.
  • range_min - minimum value of the slider. If minimum value > maximum value a button instead of a slider will appear.
  • range_max - maximum value of the slider
  • start_value - starting value of the slider


A unique item id of the button/slider, which can be used by read_user_debug_parameter()


use rubullet::PhysicsClient;
use rubullet::Mode::Gui;
use anyhow::Result;
pub fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut client = PhysicsClient::connect(Gui)?;
    let slider = client.add_user_debug_parameter("my_slider",0.,1.,0.5)?;
    let button = client.add_user_debug_parameter("my_button",1.,0.,1.)?;
    let value_slider = client.read_user_debug_parameter(slider)?;
    let value_button = client.read_user_debug_parameter(button)?; // value increases by one for every press

Reads the current value of a debug parameter. For a button the value will increase by 1 every time the button is clicked.


item - the unique item generated by [add_user_debug_parameter())Self::add_user_debug_parameter() See [add_user_debug_parameter())Self::add_user_debug_parameter() for an example.

You can add some 3d text at a specific location using a color and size.


  • text - text represented by something which can be converted to a &str
  • text_position - 3d position of the text in Cartesian world coordinates [x,y,z]. Can be a Point3, a Vector3, an array or anything else than can be converted into a Vector3.
  • options - advanced options for the text. Use None for default settings.


A unique item id of the text. You can use remove_user_debug_item() to delete it.


let mut client = PhysicsClient::connect(Gui)?;
    let text = client.add_user_debug_text("My text", Vector3::new(0., 0., 1.), None)?;
    let text_red_on_floor = client.add_user_debug_text(
        "My red text on the floor",
        AddDebugTextOptions {
            text_color_rgb: [1., 0., 0.],
            text_orientation: Some(UnitQuaternion::from_euler_angles(0.,0.,0.)),

Removes debug items which were created with add_user_debug_line, add_user_debug_parameter or add_user_debug_text.


  • item - unique id of the debug item to be removed (line, text etc)


    let text = client.add_user_debug_text("My text", [0., 0., 1.], None)?;

will remove all debug items (text, lines etc).


let mut client = PhysicsClient::connect(Gui)?;
    let text = client.add_user_debug_text("My text", Vector3::new(0., 0., 1.), None)?;
    let text_2 = client.add_user_debug_text("My text2", [0., 0., 2.], None)?;

The built-in OpenGL visualizers have a wireframe debug rendering feature: press ‘w’ to toggle. The wireframe has some default colors. You can override the color of a specific object and link using this method.


  • body - the BodyId, as returned by load_urdf etc.
  • link_index - link index. Use None for the base.
  • object_debug_color - debug color in [Red,Green,Blue]. If not provided, the custom color will be removed.

You can receive all keyboard events that happened since the last time you called get_keyboard_events() This method will return a List of all KeyboardEvents that happened since then.


use std::time::Duration;
use anyhow::Result;
use rubullet::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut physics_client = PhysicsClient::connect(Mode::Gui)?;
    loop {
        let events = physics_client.get_keyboard_events();
        for event in events.iter() {
            if event.key == 'i' && event.was_triggered() {
                println!("i-key was pressed");

Similar to get_keyboard_events() you can get the mouse events that happened since the last call to get_mouse_events(). All the mouse move events are merged into a single mouse move event with the most up-to-date position. The mouse move event is only returned when the mouse has been moved. The mouse button event always includes the current mouse position.


use anyhow::Result;
use rubullet::*;
use std::time::Duration;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut physics_client = PhysicsClient::connect(Mode::Gui)?;
    loop {
        let events = physics_client.get_mouse_events();
        for event in events.iter() {
            match event {
                MouseEvent::Move {
                } => {
                        "The mouse has moved to x: {}, y: {}",
                        mouse_pos_x, mouse_pos_y
                MouseEvent::Button {
                } => {
                        "The mouse position is x: {}, y: {}",
                        mouse_pos_x, mouse_pos_y
                    if button_state.was_triggered() {
                        println!("Mouse Button {} has been triggered", button_index);

Applies a force to a body.

Note that this method will only work when explicitly stepping the simulation using step_simulation(), in other words: set_real_time_simulation(false) After each simulation step, the external forces are cleared to zero. If you are using set_real_time_simulation(true), This method will have undefined behavior (either 0, 1 or multiple force applications).


  • body - the BodyId, as returned by load_urdf etc.
  • link_index - link index or None for the base.
  • force_object - force vector to be applied [x,y,z] either as an array, Point3 or Vector3. See flags for coordinate system
  • position_object - position on the link where the force is applied.
  • flags - Specify the coordinate system of force/position: either WORLD_FRAME for Cartesian world coordinates or LINK_FRAME for local link coordinates.

Applies a torque to a body.

Note that this method will only work when explicitly stepping the simulation using step_simulation(), in other words: set_real_time_simulation(false) After each simulation step, the external torques are cleared to zero. If you are using set_real_time_simulation(true), This method will have undefined behavior (either 0, 1 or multiple torque applications).


  • body - the BodyId, as returned by load_urdf etc.
  • link_index - link index or None for the base.
  • torque_object - torque vector to be applied [x,y,z] either as an array or a Vector3. See flags for coordinate system
  • flags - Specify the coordinate system of torque: either WORLD_FRAME for Cartesian world coordinates or LINK_FRAME for local link coordinates.

You can enable or disable a joint force/torque sensor in each joint. Once enabled, if you perform a step_simulation(), the get_joint_state() will report the joint reaction forces in the fixed degrees of freedom: a fixed joint will measure all 6DOF joint forces/torques. A revolute/hinge joint force/torque sensor will measure 5DOF reaction forces along all axis except the hinge axis. The applied force by a joint motor is available in the applied_joint_motor_torque field in JointState if you call get_joint_state().

You can create a collision shape in a similar way to creating a visual shape. If you have both you can use them to create objects in RuBullet.


  • shape - A geometric body from which to create the shape
  • frame_offset - offset of the shape with respect to the link frame. Default is no offset.


Returns a unique CollisionId which can then be used to create a body.

See also

You can create a visual shape in a similar way to creating a collision shape, with some additional arguments to control the visual appearance, such as diffuse and specular color. When you use the GeometricVisualShape::MeshFile type, you can point to a Wavefront OBJ file, and the visual shape will parse some parameters from the material file (.mtl) and load a texture. Note that large textures (above 1024x1024 pixels) can slow down the loading and run-time performance.


  • shape - A geometric body from which to create the shape
  • options - additional options to specify, like colors. See VisualShapeOptions for details.


Returns a unique VisualId which can then be used to create a body.

See also

You can create a multi body with only a single base without joints/child links or you can create a multi body with joints/child links. If you provide links, make sure the length of every vector is the same .


  • base_collision_shape - unique id from create_collision_shape or use CollisionId::NONE if you do not want to have a collision shape. You can re-use the collision shape for multiple multibodies (instancing)
  • base_visual_shape - unique id from create_visual_shape or use VisualId::NONE if you do not want to set a visual shape. You can re-use the visual shape (instancing)
  • options - additional options for creating a multi_body. See MultiBodyOptions for details


returns the BodyId of the newly created body.


   let sphere_shape = GeometricCollisionShape::Sphere { radius: 0.4 };
   let box_collision = physics_client.create_collision_shape(sphere_shape, None)?;
   let box_shape = GeometricVisualShape::Box {
       half_extents: Vector3::from_element(0.5),
   let box_visual = physics_client.create_visual_shape(
       VisualShapeOptions {
           rgba_colors: [0., 1., 0., 1.],
   let box_id =
       physics_client.create_multi_body(box_collision, box_visual, None)?;

like create_multi_body but creates multiple instances of this object.


  • base_collision_shape - unique id from create_collision_shape or use CollisionId::NONE if you do not want to have a collision shape. You can re-use the collision shape for multiple multibodies (instancing)
  • base_visual_shape - unique id from create_visual_shape or use VisualId::NONE if you do not want to set a visual shape. You can re-use the visual shape (instancing)
  • batch_positions - list of base positions for the new multibodies.
  • options - additional options for creating a multi_body. See MultiBodyOptions for details


returns a list of BodyId’s of the newly created bodies.

See for an example.

Use this function to change the texture of a shape, the RGBA color and other properties.



In this example we change the color of a shape

   let sphere_shape = GeometricCollisionShape::Sphere { radius: 0.4 };
   let box_collision = physics_client.create_collision_shape(sphere_shape, None)?;
   let box_shape = GeometricVisualShape::Box {
       half_extents: Vector3::from_element(0.5),
   let box_visual = physics_client.create_visual_shape(
       VisualShapeOptions {
           rgba_colors: [0., 1., 0., 1.],
   let box_id =
       physics_client.create_multi_body(box_collision, box_visual, None)?;

   let color = physics_client.get_visual_shape_data(box_id,false)?[0].rgba_color;
   assert_eq!(color, [0.,1.,0.,1.]);

       ChangeVisualShapeOptions {
           rgba_color: Some([1., 0., 0., 1.]),

   let color = physics_client.get_visual_shape_data(box_id,false)?[0].rgba_color;
   assert_eq!(color, [1.,0.,0.,1.]);

Returns a list of visual shape data of a body. See change_visual_shape() for an example.

Load a texture from file and return a non-negative texture unique id if the loading succeeds. This unique id can be used with change_visual_shape.

See for an example

will remove a body by its body unique id

gets the BodyInfo (base name and body name) of a body

returns the total number of bodies in the physics server

URDF, SDF and MJCF specify articulated bodies as a tree-structures without loops. Thhis method allows you to connect specific links of bodies to close those loops. In addition, you can create arbitrary constraints between objects, and between an object and a specific world frame.

It can also be used to control the motion of physics objects, driven by animated frames, such as a VR controller. It is better to use constraints, instead of setting the position or velocity directly for such purpose, since those constraints are solved together with other dynamics constraints.


  • parent_body - parent body unique id
  • parent_link_index - parent link index (or None for the base)
  • child_body - child body unique id, or None for no body (specify a non-dynamic child frame in world coordinates)
  • child_link_index - child link index (or None for the base)
  • joint_type - a JointType for the constraint
  • joint_axis - joint axis in child link frame. Must be something that can be converted into a Vector3
  • parent_frame_pose - pose of the joint frame relative to parent center of mass frame.
  • child_frame_pose - pose of the joint frame relative to a given child center of mass frame (or world origin if no child specified)


    let cube_id = physics_client.load_urdf(
        UrdfOptions {
            base_transform: Isometry3::translation(0., 0., 1.),
    physics_client.set_gravity([0., 0., -10.]);
    let cid = physics_client.create_constraint(
        [0.; 3],
        Isometry3::translation(0., 0., 1.),
    println!("{:?}", cid);
    println!("{:?}", physics_client.get_constraint(0)?);
    assert_eq!(1, physics_client.get_num_constraints());
    let constraint_info = physics_client.get_constraint_info(cid)?;
    println!("{:?}", constraint_info);
    let mut a = -PI;
    loop {
        a += 0.05;
        if a > PI {
        let change_constraint_options = ChangeConstraintOptions {
            joint_child_pivot: Some(Vector3::new(a, 0., 1.)),
            joint_child_frame_orientation: Some(UnitQuaternion::from_euler_angles(a, 0., 0.)),
            max_force: Some(50.),
        physics_client.change_constraint(cid, change_constraint_options);
        let constraint_info = physics_client.get_constraint_info(cid)?;
        assert!((constraint_info.joint_child_frame_pose.translation.x - a).abs() < 1e-7);
                - a)
                < 1e-7
    let constraint_state = physics_client.get_constraint_state(cid)?;
    println!("{}", constraint_state);
    assert_eq!(0, physics_client.get_num_constraints());

Allows you to change parameters of an existing constraint. See create_constraint for an example.

removes a constraint See create_constraint for an example.

You can query for the total number of constraints, created using create_constraint See create_constraint for an example.

will take a serial index in range 0..get_num_constraints, and reports the constraint unique id. Note that the constraint unique ids may not be contiguous, since you may remove constraints. See create_constraint for an example.

Get the user-created constraint info, given a ConstraintId. See create_constraint for an example.

Give a constraint unique id, you can query for the applied constraint forces in the most recent simulation step. The input is a constraint unique id and the output is a vector of constraint forces, its dimension is the degrees of freedom that are affected by the constraint (a fixed constraint affects 6 DoF for example). See create_constraint for an example.

queriers the axis aligned bounding box (in world space) given an object unique id, and optionally a link index. (when you pass None, you get the AABB of the base).


  • body - the BodyId, as returned by load_urdf etc.
  • link_index - link index or None for the base.


    let r2d2 = physics_client.load_urdf("r2d2.urdf", None)?;
    let aabb = physics_client.get_aabb(r2d2, None)?;
    println!("{:?}", aabb);

See also the example in the example folder

This query will return all the unique ids of objects that have axis aligned bounding box overlap with a given axis aligned bounding box. Note that the query is conservative and may return additional objects that don’t have actual AABB overlap. This happens because the acceleration structures have some heuristic that enlarges the AABBs a bit (extra margin and extruded along the velocity vector).


    physics_client.load_urdf("plane.urdf", None)?;
    let cube_id = physics_client.load_urdf(
        UrdfOptions {
            base_transform: Isometry3::translation(0., 0., 0.5),
    let overlapping_object = physics_client.get_overlapping_objects(Aabb{
        min: [-1.;3].into(),

The getContactPoints API returns the contact points computed during the most recent call to step_simulation. Note that if you change the state of the simulation after step_simulation, the ‘get_contact_points()’ is not updated and potentially invalid


  • body_a - only report contact points that involve body A
  • body_b - only report contact points that involve body B. Important: you need to have a body A if you provide body B.
  • link_a - Only report contact points that involve link_index_a of body_a. See note on usage of this option.
  • link_b - Only report contact points that involve link_index_b of body_b. See note on usage of this option.

Note on usage of the link_indices:

You can either provide:

  • None - if you want to have all the links.
  • Some(None) - if you want to specify the Base link
  • Some(Some(2)) - if you want to specify link 2.


    let mut physics_client = PhysicsClient::connect(Mode::Direct)?;
    physics_client.load_urdf("plane.urdf", None)?;
    let _cube_a = physics_client.load_urdf(
        UrdfOptions {
            base_transform: Isometry3::translation(0., 0., 1.),
    let _cube_b = physics_client.load_urdf(
        UrdfOptions {
            base_transform: Isometry3::translation(0., 0., 0.),
    let points = physics_client.get_contact_points(None, None, None, None)?;
    assert_eq!(4, points.len());

See also the example in the example folder.

Computes contact points independent from step_simulation. It also lets you compute closest points of objects with an arbitrary separating distance. In this query there will be no normal forces reported.

There are 3 variants of this method:


  • body_a - BodyId for the first object
  • link_index_a - link index for object A or None for the base.
  • body_b - BodyId for the second object
  • link_index_b - link index for object B or None for the base.
  • distance - If the distance between objects exceeds this maximum distance, no points may be returned.


    let cube_a = physics_client.load_urdf("cube_small.urdf", None)?;
    let cube_b = physics_client.load_urdf(
        UrdfOptions {
            base_transform: Isometry3::translation(0., 0., 0.5),
    let points = physics_client.get_closest_points_body_body(cube_a, None, cube_b, None, 1.)?;
    assert!((points[0].contact_distance - 0.45).abs() < 1e-5);
    assert_eq!(points[0].body_a, Some(cube_a));
    assert_eq!(points[0].body_b, Some(cube_b));
    assert_eq!(points[0].link_index_a, None);
    assert_eq!(points[0].link_index_b, None);
    assert!((points[0].position_on_a.z - 0.025).abs() < 1e-5);
    assert!((points[0].position_on_b.z - 0.475).abs() < 1e-5);

See also

Computes contact points independent from step_simulation. It also lets you compute closest points of objects with an arbitrary separating distance. In this query there will be no normal forces reported.

There are 3 variants of this method:


  • body - BodyId for the body object
  • link_index - link index for object A or None for the base.
  • collision_shape - Collision shape of the other object
  • shape_pose - pose of the collision shape in world coordinates.
  • distance - If the distance between objects exceeds this maximum distance, no points may be returned.

See also

Computes contact points independent from step_simulation. It also lets you compute closest points of objects with an arbitrary separating distance. In this query there will be no normal forces reported.

There are 3 variants of this method:


  • collision_shape_a - CollisionId of the first shape
  • shape_pose_a - pose of the first collision shape in world coordinates.
  • collision_shape_b - CollisionId of the second shape
  • shape_pose_b - pose of the second collision shape in world coordinates.
  • distance - If the distance between objects exceeds this maximum distance, no points may be returned.

See also

State logging lets you log the state of the simulation, such as the state of one or more objects after each simulation step (after each call to stepSimulation or automatically after each simulation step when set_real_time_simulation is enabled). This allows you to record trajectories of objects. There is also the option to log the common state of bodies such as base position and orientation, joint positions (angles) and joint motor forces.

All log files generated using this method can be read using Rust, C++ or Python scripts.


  • logging_type - select one of different modes for logging
  • file - a file in which the logging data will be saved.
  • options - define various logging options.


  • - a tool which prints the content of a log file.
  • - records the state of a generic robot.
  • - reads the log file generated by and replays the joint states.
  • - logs the state of a minatur robot.
  • - an example which shows how to profile your function with the submit_profile_timing method.
    let log_id = physics_client.start_state_logging(

Stops a logger. If you use a ProfileTimings logger, you need to call this method at the end. Otherwise, your data will not be saved to the file.


submit_profile_timing allows to insert start and stop timings to profile Rust code. RuBullet and Bullet have instrumented many functions so you can see where the time is spend. You can dump those profile timings in a file, that can be viewed with Google Chrome in the about://tracing window using the LOAD feature. In the GUI, you can press ‘p’ to start/stop the profile dump. In some cases you may want to instrument the timings of your client code.


  • event_name - Give the timing a name or use None to specify the end of the timing.


To use this function you need to create a logger with start_state_logging with ProfileTimings as LoggingType

You can start a timing by calling client.submit_profile_timing("my_timing"); This will start a timing called my_timing0. The “0” is a running index which get s increased for every new timing. calling client.submit_profile_timing("my_timing"); again will start a timing called my_timing1. The timing are put onto stacked and are being stopped by calling client.submit_profile_timing(None);. Calling it the first time will stop my_timing1. And the second calling it a second time will stop my_timing0.

At the end call the stop_state_logging method to write the profiling data into the log file. Open about://tracing or chrome://tracing in Chrome or Chromium to view your data.


from the example:

use anyhow::Result;
use rubullet::*;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut physics_client = PhysicsClient::connect(Mode::Gui)?;
    let t = Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs_f64(3.1);
    let log_id = physics_client.start_state_logging(
    while Instant::now() < t {

        std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs_f64(1. / 240.));

        for _ in 0..100 {

You can create an approximate snapshot of the current world as a PyBullet Python file (Yes, a Python file and not a Rust file), stored on the server. save_world can be useful as a basic editing feature, setting up the robot, joint angles, object positions and environment for example in VR. Later you can just load the PyBullet Python file to re-create the world. You could also use it to create a Python version of your awesome world to show it to your friends who are not using RuBullet yet! The python snapshot contains loadURDF commands together with initialization of joint angles and object transforms. Note that not all settings are stored in the world file.


  • filename - location where to save the python file.


    physics_client.load_urdf("plane.urdf", None)?;
    let cube_a = physics_client.load_urdf("cube_small.urdf", None)?;
    let cube_b = physics_client.load_urdf(
        UrdfOptions {
            base_transform: Isometry3::translation(0., 0., 0.5),
    let points = physics_client.save_world("")?;

Loads Bodies from a .bullet file. These can be created with save_bullet.

Returns a list of BodyId’s.


  • bullet_filename - location of the .bullet


    let points = physics_client.load_bullet("spider.bullet")?;

See also example.

Saves all bodies and the current state into a .bullet file which can then be read by load_bullet or restore_state_from_file.


    physics_client.load_urdf("plane.urdf", None)?;
    let cube_a = physics_client.load_urdf("cube_small.urdf", None)?;
    let cube_b = physics_client.load_urdf(
        UrdfOptions {
            base_transform: Isometry3::translation(0., 0., 0.5),

See also example.

restores a state from memory using a state id which was created with save_state. See example.

restores a state from a .bullet file. It is necessary that the correct bodies are already loaded. If this is not the case use load_bullet instead. See example.

Saves the current state in memory and returns a StateId which can be used by restore_state to restore this state. Use save_bullet if you want to save a state to a file. See example.

Removes a state from memory.

Set some internal physics engine parameter, such as cfm or erp etc.

Get the current values of internal physics engine parameter.


Some of the parameters are always returning the same value even when you change them using set_physics_engine_parameter . These parameters are:

  • constraint_solver_type
  • minimum_solver_island_size
  • report_solver_analytics
  • warm_starting_factor
  • sparse_sdf_voxel_size

You can get the width and height (in pixels) of the camera, its view and projection matrix and more information using this command. Can be useful to calculate rays. See example.

You can reset the 3D OpenGL debug visualizer camera distance (between eye and camera target position), camera yaw and pitch and camera target position


  • camera_distance - distance from eye to camera target position
  • camera_yaw - camera yaw angle (in degrees) left/right
  • camera_pitch - camera pitch angle (in degrees) up/down
  • camera_target_position - this is the camera focus point

You can perform a single raycast to find the intersection information of the first object hit.


  • ray_from_position - start of the ray in world coordinates
  • ray_to_position - end of the ray in world coordinates
  • options - additional options. See RayTestOptions


Either None, which means that there was no object hit or a RayHitInfo which contains all necessary information about the hit target.


use anyhow::Result;
use rubullet::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut physics_client = PhysicsClient::connect(Mode::Direct)?;
    let cube = physics_client.load_urdf("cube_small.urdf", None)?;
    let hit_info = physics_client.ray_test([-1.; 3], [1.; 3], None)?.unwrap();
    assert_eq!(hit_info.body_id, cube);
    assert!(physics_client.ray_test([2.; 3], [1.; 3], None)?.is_none());

See for a more complex example.

This is similar to the ray_test, but allows you to provide an array of rays, for faster execution. The size of ‘ray_from_positions’ needs to be equal to the size of ‘ray_to_positions’.


  • ray_from_positions - list of start points for each ray, in world coordinates
  • ray_to_positions - list of end points for each ray in world coordinates
  • options - additional options to set the number of threads etc.


A list of Option. The Option is None when nothing was hit. Otherwise the you get the RayHitInfo


use anyhow::Result;
use nalgebra::Vector3;
use rubullet::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut physics_client = PhysicsClient::connect(Mode::Direct)?;
    let cube = physics_client.load_urdf("cube_small.urdf", None)?;

    let from = vec![Vector3::from_element(-1.), Vector3::from_element(2.)];
    let to = vec![Vector3::from_element(1.), Vector3::from_element(1.)];

    let hit_list = physics_client.ray_test_batch(&from, &to, None)?;
    assert_eq!(hit_list[0].unwrap().body_id, cube);

See for a more complex example.

Each body is part of a group. It collides with other bodies if their group matches the mask, and vise versa. The following check is performed using the group and mask of the two bodies involved. It depends on the collision filter mode.


  • body - Id of the body to be configured
  • link_index - link index of the body to be configured
  • collision_filter_group - bitwise group of the filter
  • collision_filter_mask - bitwise mask of the filter

See for an example.

You can have more fine-grain control over collision detection between specific pairs of links. With this method you can enable or disable collision detection. This method will override the filter group/mask and other logic.


  • body_a - Id of body B
  • body_b - Id of body B
  • link_index_a - link index of body A
  • link_index_b - link index of body B
  • enable_collision - enables and disables collision

See for an example.

lets you load a deformable object from a VTK or OBJ file.


  • filename - a relative or absolute path on the file system of the physics server
  • options - use additional options. See SoftBodyOptions.


use anyhow::Result;
use rubullet::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut physics_client = PhysicsClient::connect(Mode::Direct)?;
    let _bunny = physics_client.load_soft_body("bunny.obj", None)?;

You can pin vertices of a deformable object to the world, or attach a vertex of a deformable to a multi body using this method. It will return a ConstraintId. You can remove this constraint using the remove_constraint method.

See for an example.

reset_simulation_with_flags does the same as reset_simulation, but also lets you add some experimental flags. It can be useful if you want to create a world with soft body objects.

check whether the client is still connected. Most of the time the call blocks instead of returning false, though

sync_body_info will synchronize the body information (get_body_info) in case of multiple clients connected to one physics server changing the world ( load_urdf, remove_body etc).

closes the PhysicsClient.

get a specific body id. The index must be in range [0,get_num_bodies()].


use anyhow::Result;
use rubullet::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut physics_client = PhysicsClient::connect(Mode::Direct)?;
    let plane_id = physics_client.load_urdf("plane.urdf", None)?;
    assert_eq!(physics_client.get_body_id(0)?, plane_id);

Trait Implementations

Executes the destructor for this type. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

The alignment of pointer.

The type for initializers.

Initializes a with the given initializer. Read more

Dereferences the given pointer. Read more

Mutably dereferences the given pointer. Read more

Drops the object pointed to by the given pointer. Read more

Should always be Self

The inverse inclusion map: attempts to construct self from the equivalent element of its superset. Read more

Checks if self is actually part of its subset T (and can be converted to it).

Use with care! Same as self.to_subset but without any property checks. Always succeeds.

The inclusion map: converts self to the equivalent element of its superset.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.