Module rubble::link[][src]

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Note that a hardware BLE radio will already implement a few aspects of the link layer (such as CRC calculation, preamble generation, etc.). Consider this module to be a construction kit for BLE Link-Layers: Take whatever your hardware can do, supplement it with a few condiments from this module, and you get a (hopefully) working Link-Layer.

Refer to the official Link Layer Specification for details and more graphics and tables.

Packet Format

All following graphics are based on the Bluetooth specification. If a field is marked with -, it should be set to 0 when sending such a packet, and ignored when receiving it (the spec calls these “RFU” = Reserved for Future Use).

All values are transmitted in little-endian bit order unless otherwise noted. All fields in graphics are ordered starting with the field transmitted first (LSB).

The following graphic illustrates the raw in-air packet format. The packet transfers a PDU whose format depends on whether it is sent on an advertising channel or a data channel.

LSB                                                     MSB
| Preamble  | Access Address |     PDU       |  CRC       |
| (1 octet) | (4 octets)     | (2-39 octets) | (3 octets) |
                             \---------------/      ^
                                     |              |
                                    CRC is calculated
                                      over the PDU

                                   Data Whitening is
                                applied to PDU and CRC

The 24-bit CRC value is transmitted MSb first. Length of the PDU depends on the kind of PDU (advertising or data channel).

Advertising Channel PDU

Each advertising channel PDU consists of a 16-bit header and a variably-sized payload, the length of which is stored in a header field.

LSB                                           MSB
|  Header     |             Payload             |
|  (16 bits)  |    (length stored in header)    |

The header looks like this:

LSB                                                                     MSB
|  PDU Type  |     -      |  TxAdd  |  RxAdd  |    Length    |     -      |
|  (4 bits)  |  (2 bits)  | (1 bit) | (1 bit) |   (6 bits)   |  (2 bits)  |

The TxAdd and RxAdd field are only used for some payloads, for all others, they should be set to 0.

Length may be in range 6 to 36 (inclusive).

The data in Payload depends on the PDU Type. Refer to the spec or advertising::PduType for details.

Data Channel PDU

A data channel PDU also contains a 16-bit header (but with a different layout) and a variably-sized payload.

If the connection is encrypted and the payload contains at least 1 octet, a Message Integrity Check (MIC) is appended at the end.

LSB                                          MSB
+-----------+----------------------+ - - - - - +
|  Header   |        Payload       |    MIC    |
| (16 bits) |    (0..=27 octets)   | (32 bits) |
+-----------+----------------------+ - - - - - +

Layout (in Bluetooth 4.2):

LSB                                                                MSB
|   LLID   |  NESN   |   SN    |   MD    |     -      |    Length    |
| (2 bits) | (1 bit) | (1 bit) | (1 bit) |  (3 bits)  |   (8 bits)   |

Payload format depends on the value of the 2-bit LLID field:

  • 0b00: Reserved value.
  • 0b01: LL Data PDU Continuation fragment or empty PDU.
  • 0b10: LL Data PDU Start of L2CAP message (or complete message if no fragmentation necessary).
  • 0b11: LL Control PDU.

The NESN field specifies the Next Expected Sequence Number. The SN field specifies the Sequence Number of this PDU.

The MD field specifies that the device sending the packet has more data to send during this connection event. When both slave and master send a packet with the MD bit set to 0, the connection event ends.

The Length field specifies the length of payload and MIC. For Bluetooth versions <4.2, its maximum value is 31, resulting in a 27 octet Payload (the maximum) and a 32-bit MIC. 4.2 added the possibility of larger packets.


Advertising Data / Extended Inquiry Response (EIR) data.

Advertising channel operations.

Data Channel structures.

Link-Layer Device Filtering.

Defines packet structures used by the Link Layer Control Protocol.

An SPSC queue for data channel PDUs.


Command returned by the Link-Layer to the user.

Company identifier for use in link layer Control PDUs.

Connection state and parameters.

A Bluetooth device address.

A set of optional Link Layer features.

Implementation of the real-time BLE Link-Layer logic.

Data channel packet processor.


Specifies whether a device address is randomly generated or a LAN MAC address.

Specifies when the Link Layer’s update method should be called the next time.

Specifies if and how the radio should listen for transmissions.


The CRC polynomial to use for CRC24 generation.

Min. size a data PDU payload buffer must have (assuming only the bare minimum PDU size is supported).

Min. size a data PDU buffer must have.

Min. size a buffer for Link-Layer packets must have to comply with the spec.

Min. size a PDU payload buffer must have (to cover both advertising and data channels).

Min. size a Link-Layer PDU buffer must have (to cover both advertising and data channels).


Trait for Link Layer packet transmission.