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rtorrent-xmlrpc-bindings provides strongly-typed Rust bindings for the rtorrent XMLRPC API.

The XMLRPC API allows a high degree of introspection and control over an rtorrent instance.


The top-level structure representing an rtorrent instance is Server. All errors produced by the crate are encapsulated by the Error type.

use rtorrent_xmlrpc_bindings as rtorrent;

let my_handle = rtorrent::Server::new("");
println!("Hostname: {}", my_handle.hostname()?);

for download in my_handle.download_list()? {
    println!("Download: {}", download.name()?);

It can be more efficient to query multiple items at a time. Rtorrent’s XMLRPC API exposes an interface for this called “multicalls.” In this crate, they are available through the multicall submodule.

The following example queries the name and ratio of every torrent in rtorrent’s “default” view and prints the results.

use rtorrent_xmlrpc_bindings as rtorrent;
use rtorrent::multicall::d;

let my_handle = rtorrent::Server::new("");

d::MultiBuilder::new(&my_handle, "default")
    .for_each(|(name, ratio)| {
        println!("{}: ratio: {}", name, ratio);

Current Limitations

  • Some XMLRPC APIs are not yet wrapped by this crate.



Rtorrent multicalls


Download represents a loaded torrent

A single File associated with a Download

A Peer associated with a Download

Server represents a logical rtorrent instance

A Tracker associated with a Download


The unified error type for this crate.


Essentially TryFrom with crate::Error, but we need our own trait because crates are not allowed to define implementations of traits from foreign crates on types from forein crates.

Type Definitions

The canonical Result for this crate (we return the same error type everywhere).