Expand description

Module holding the UntypedHeader trait and all the untyped headers. An untyped header is basically nothing more than a simple NewType around String with many many helpful goodies.

Some untyped headers have a typed equivalent header, like From equivalent is typed::From, Via equivalent is typed::Via etc. Those untyped headers implement the ToTypedHeader trait.

If a header is not implemented in Rsip, then you can use the Other variant of the Header enum.


pub use accept::Accept;
pub use accept_encoding::AcceptEncoding;
pub use accept_language::AcceptLanguage;
pub use alert_info::AlertInfo;
pub use allow::Allow;
pub use authentication_info::AuthenticationInfo;
pub use authorization::Authorization;
pub use call_id::CallId;
pub use call_info::CallInfo;
pub use contact::Contact;
pub use content_disposition::ContentDisposition;
pub use content_encoding::ContentEncoding;
pub use content_language::ContentLanguage;
pub use content_length::ContentLength;
pub use content_type::ContentType;
pub use cseq::CSeq;
pub use date::Date;
pub use error_info::ErrorInfo;
pub use event::Event;
pub use expires::Expires;
pub use from::From;
pub use in_reply_to::InReplyTo;
pub use max_forwards::MaxForwards;
pub use mime_version::MimeVersion;
pub use min_expires::MinExpires;
pub use organization::Organization;
pub use priority::Priority;
pub use proxy_authenticate::ProxyAuthenticate;
pub use proxy_authorization::ProxyAuthorization;
pub use proxy_require::ProxyRequire;
pub use record_route::RecordRoute;
pub use reply_to::ReplyTo;
pub use require::Require;
pub use retry_after::RetryAfter;
pub use route::Route;
pub use server::Server;
pub use subject::Subject;
pub use subscription_state::SubscriptionState;
pub use supported::Supported;
pub use timestamp::Timestamp;
pub use to::To;
pub use unsupported::Unsupported;
pub use user_agent::UserAgent;
pub use via::Via;
pub use warning::Warning;
pub use www_authenticate::WwwAuthenticate;

