Macro rsbash::rashf

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macro_rules! rashf {
    ($($arg:tt)*) => { ... };
Expand description

Format and run a bash command.


rashf! expects at least a single argument of a string literal representing the command to run. Any further arguments should be formatting arguments to the command.

This syntax is the exact syntax of the well-known and well-loved format! macro, see std::fmt for more details.


rashf! returns a Result<(i32, String, String), RashError>.

The (i32, String, String) tuple contains the return value, the stdout and the stderr of the command, respectively.

See RashError for more details of the error.



Format rashf! commands just like you would format! strings normally!

 use rsbash::{rashf, RashError};

 pub fn simple_formatting() -> Result<(), RashError> {
     let what = "Hello";
     let who = "world!";
     let (ret_val, stdout, stderr) = rashf!("echo -n '{} {}!'", what, who)?;
     assert_eq!(ret_val, 0);
     assert_eq!(stdout, "Hello world!");
     assert_eq!(stderr, "");
use rsbash::rashf;
use tempfile::TempDir;

const MESSAGE: &'static str = "Hi from within!";

pub fn formatting() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let dir = TempDir::new()?;
    let path = dir.path().to_str().unwrap();
    let (ret_val, stdout, stderr) = rashf!(
       "cd {path}; echo -n \"echo -n '{msg}'\" >; chmod u+x; ./;",
       msg = MESSAGE

    assert_eq!(ret_val, 0);
    assert_eq!(stdout, MESSAGE);
    assert_eq!(stderr, "");

Compile errors

Passing a non-string literal as an argument:
use rsbash::{rash, RashError};

pub fn wrong_type() -> Result<(), RashError> {
    let (ret_val, stdout, stderr) = rash!(35345)?; // "format argument must be a string literal"
Passing no arguments:
use rsbash::{rash, RashError};

pub fn no_args() -> Result<(), RashError> {
    let (ret_val, stdout, stderr) = rash!()?;     // "requires at least a format string argument"

A word on security

Sometimes the ease and flexibility of bash is exactly what you’re after. But, with great power comes great responsibility, and so I’d be remiss if I wasn’t to mention that formatting bash commands in this manner exposes a vulnerability in the form of a SQL injection-like attack:

use rsbash::{rashf, RashError};

pub fn vulnerability() -> Result<(), RashError> {
    let untrustworthy_user = "";                       // Suppose untrustworthy_user was set to "; reboot;"
    let (ret_val, stdout, stderr) =                    // Uh oh! The command would have been formatted into
        rashf!("echo -n Hello {untrustworthy_user}")?; // "echo -n Hello; reboot";

Of course, best practices such as proper escaping, validating user input and so on would have circumvented the above vulnerability. But, as a general rule only use formatted rashf! commands in situations where you know for certain you can trust the inputs.