Crate rs_poker

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RS-Poker is a library for poker. It’s mostly meant for Holdem games, however the core functionality should work for all game types.


Currently RS-Poker supports:

  • Hand Iteration.
  • Hand Ranking.
  • Hand Range parsing.
  • Hand Range generation.
  • Holdem Game State.


  • Simulate poker games via agents that play. Then determine who wins the most over time This is the arena module for simulation via agents.
  • Allow all the core poker functionality to be used externally. Everything in core should be agnostic to poker style. This is the core module. It exports the non-holdem related code.
  • The holdem specific code. This contains range parsing, game state, and starting hand code.
  • Given a tournament calculate the implied equity in the total tournament. This module provides the ability to simulate a mutli table independent chip tournament. It does this via simulation. Different heros and villans go to all in show downs. Then the resulting placements are computed as each player busts.