Function rs_graph::shortestpath::dijkstra::bidirected[][src]

pub fn bidirected<'a, G, Ws, W>(
    g: &'a G,
    weights: Ws,
    src: G::Node,
    snk: Option<G::Node>
) -> Vec<(G::Node, G::Edge)> where
    G: IndexNetwork<'a>,
    G::Node: Hash,
    Ws: EdgeMap<'a, G, W>,
    W: NumAssign + Ord + Copy

Solve shortest path with Dijkstra as bidirected graph.

The graph is considered as bidirected graph with different weights for each direction.

  • g the graph
  • weights the (non-negative) arc weights
  • src the source node
  • snk the sink node

Return the incoming arc for each node forming the shortest path tree.