Expand description

A performant rust implementation of recurrence rules as defined in the iCalendar RFC.

This crate provides RRuleSet for working with recurrence rules. It has a collection of DTSTART, RRULEs, EXRULEs, RDATEs and EXDATEs. Both the RRULE and EXRULE properties are represented by the RRule type and the DTSTART, RDATE and EXDATE properties are represented by the chrono::DateTime<Tz>.

Building RRule and RRuleSet

RRuleSet and RRule both implements the std::str::FromStr trait so that it can be parsed and built from a string representation. RRuleSet can also be built by composing multiple RRules for its rrule and exrule properties and chrono::DateTime<Tz> for its dt_start, exdate and rdate properties. See the examples below.

use chrono::{DateTime, TimeZone};
use rrule::{RRuleSet, RRule, Tz, Unvalidated, Frequency};

// Parse a single RRule string. Useful when you don't have a start date yet or
// just want to check if the input string is grammatically correct.
let rrule: RRule<Unvalidated> = "FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=40;INTERVAL=3".parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(rrule.get_freq(), Frequency::Daily);
assert_eq!(rrule.get_count(), Some(40));
assert_eq!(rrule.get_interval(), 3);

// Parse a RRuleSet string
let rrule_set: RRuleSet = "DTSTART:20120201T023000Z\n\

assert_eq!(*rrule_set.get_dt_start(), Tz::UTC.ymd(2012, 2, 1).and_hms(2, 30, 0));
assert_eq!(rrule_set.get_rrule().len(), 1);
assert_eq!(rrule_set.get_rdate().len(), 2);
assert_eq!(rrule_set.get_exdate().len(), 1);

// Add an rrule manually
let rrule = rrule.validate(*rrule_set.get_dt_start()).unwrap();
let rrule_set = rrule_set.rrule(rrule);
assert_eq!(rrule_set.get_rrule().len(), 2);

Generating occurrences

You can loop over the occurrences of a RRuleSet by calling any of the following methods:

  • RRuleSet::all: Generate all recurrences that match the rules (with a limit to prevent infinite loops).
  • RRuleSet::all_unchecked: Generate all recurrences that match the rules (without a limit).

If you have some additional filters or want to work with infinite recurrence rules RRuleSet implements the IntoIterator trait which allows for very flexible queries. All the methods above uses the iterator trait in its implementation as shown below.

use chrono::{DateTime, TimeZone};
use rrule::{RRuleSet, Tz};

let rrule: RRuleSet = "DTSTART:20120201T093000Z\nRRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=3".parse().unwrap();
let (events, _) = rrule.all(100);

// All dates

Find all events that are within a given range.

 use chrono::{DateTime, TimeZone};
 use rrule::{RRuleSet, Tz};

let rrule: RRuleSet = "DTSTART:20120201T093000Z\nRRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=3".parse().unwrap();

// Between two dates
let after = Tz::UTC.ymd(2012, 2, 1).and_hms(10, 0, 0);
let before = Tz::UTC.ymd(2012, 4, 1).and_hms(9, 0, 0);

let rrule = rrule.after(after).before(before);
let (events, _) = rrule.all(100);


Note: All the generated recurrence will be in the same time zone as the dt_start property.


Represents a complete RRULE property based on the iCalendar specification It has two stages, based on the attached type, Validated or Unvalidated.

A validated Recurrence Rule that can be used to create an iterator.

Iterator over all the dates in an RRuleSet.

An empty struct to keep the unvalidated (or not-yet-validated) stage

An empty struct to keep the validated stage


The frequency of a recurrence.

This indicates the nth occurrence of a specific day within a MONTHLY or YEARLY RRULE.

The error type for the rrule crate.

A wrapper around chrono_tz::Tz that is able to represent Local timezone also.

The day of week.