[][src]Function rpi_pico_sdk::check_sys_clock_khz

pub unsafe extern "C" fn check_sys_clock_khz(
    freq_khz: u32,
    vco_freq_out: *mut uint,
    post_div1_out: *mut uint,
    post_div2_out: *mut uint
) -> bool

\brief Check if a given system clock frequency is valid/attainable \ingroup pico_stdlib

\param freq_khz Requested frequency \param vco_freq_out On success, the voltage controller oscillator frequeucny to be used by the SYS PLL \param post_div1_out On success, The first post divider for the SYS PLL \param post_div2_out On success, The second post divider for the SYS PLL. @return true if the frequency is possible and the output parameters have been written.