Crate rpi_led_matrix_sys

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Rust bindings into the C++ library rpi-rgb-led-matrix.



Instead of linking to the C++ library, we make stub C functions ourselves with the same signature to enable limited testing on non-raspberry pi computers.

By default, we link dynamically to libstdc++ as the underlying C++ library requires access to the C++ standard library. However, sometimes people want to statically link so everything is bundled in a single binary. Enabling this feature changes our build behavior to statically link to libstdc++.

libstdc++.a must be “visible” to rustc when compiling. This means it is in the global linker search path, or you’ve passed it in manually, like:

RUSTFLAGS="-L /PATH/TO/LIBSTDC++/DIR/" cargo build --features="stdcpp-static-link"


  • rust implemented stubs of the C++ library for testing on non rpi hosts


