Function rphtml::entity::encode_with

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pub fn encode_with<'a>(
    content: &'a [u8],
    encode_type: &EncodeType,
    filter_fn: impl Fn(&char, &EncodeType) -> (bool, Option<(EntityType, Cow<'static, [u8]>)>)
) -> EncodedData<'a>
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Encode the html entities in utf-8 bytes into encoded data, and specify the characters to be encoded and the encoding format through the filter_fn method parameter.


use htmlentity::entity::*;
use htmlentity::types::AnyhowResult;
use std::borrow::Cow;
let html = "<div class='header'></div>";
let charset = CharacterSet::SpecialChars;
let encoded_data = encode_with(&html.as_bytes(), &EncodeType::Named, |ch, encode_type|{
   // Use html entity number encoding for single quotes (')
   if ch == &'\''{
      if let Some(char_entity) = encode_char(ch, &EncodeType::Decimal){
        return (true, Some((EntityType::Decimal, Cow::from(;
   return charset.filter(ch, encode_type);
let data_to_string = encoded_data.to_string();
assert_eq!(data_to_string?, String::from("&lt;div class=&#39;header&#39;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;"));