Module rp2040_hal::multicore

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Multicore support

This module handles setup of the 2nd cpu core on the rp2040, which we refer to as core1. It provides functionality for setting up the stack, and starting core1.

The entrypoint for core1 can be any function that never returns, including closures.


use rp2040_hal::{pac, gpio::Pins, sio::Sio, multicore::{Multicore, Stack}};

static mut CORE1_STACK: Stack<4096> = Stack::new();

fn core1_task() -> ! {
    loop {}

fn main() -> ! {
    let mut pac = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
    let mut sio = Sio::new(pac.SIO);
    // Other init code above this line
    let mut mc = Multicore::new(&mut pac.PSM, &mut pac.PPB, &mut sio.fifo);
    let cores = mc.cores();
    let core1 = &mut cores[1];
    let _test = core1.spawn(unsafe { &mut CORE1_STACK.mem }, core1_task);
    // The rest of your application below this line

For inter-processor communications, see crate::sio::SioFifo and crate::sio::Spinlock0

For a detailed example, see examples/


A handle for controlling a logical core.
Multicore execution management.
Data type for a properly aligned stack of N 32-bit (usize) words


Errors for multicore operations.