Crate rowan

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A generic library for lossless syntax trees. See examples/ for a tutorial.


GreenNode is an immutable syntax tree, which is cheap to update. It lacks parent pointers and information about offsets.
A builder for a green tree.
A SmolStr is a string type that has the following properties:
Akn immutable lazy constructed syntax tree with offsets and parent pointers.
Iterator over node’s children.
A range in the text, represented as a pair of TextUnits.
An offset into text. Offset is represented as u32 storing number of utf8-bytes, but most of the clients should treat it like opaque measure.
Owned smart pointer for syntax Nodes. It can be used with any type implementing TransparentNewType<SyntaxNode>.


There might be zero, one or two leaves at a given offset.
WalkeEvent describes tree walking process.


A marker trait for transparent newtypes.
Types customizes data, stored in the syntax tree. All types in this crate are parametrized over T: Types.