Module routinator::store

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A store for correctly published RPKI objects.

To be more resistant against accidental or malicious errors in the data published by repositories, we retain a separate copy of all RPKI data that has been found to be covered by a valid manifest in what we call the store. The types in this module provide access to this store.

The store is initialized and configured via Store. During validation, Run is used which can be acquired from the store via the start method. It provides access to the trust anchor certificates via the load_ta and update_ta methods, and access to individual repositories and publication points via repository and pub_point, respectively. These are represented by the Repository and StoredPoint types.

Error Handling

Pretty much all methods and functions provided by this module can return an error. This is because the store uses files and that can go wrong in all kinds of ways at any time. The concrete error reason is logged and our generic Failed is returned. When this happens, the store should be considered broken and not be used anymore.

Data Storage

The store uses the file system to store its data. It has its dedicated directory within the RPKI repository directory, normally named stored (this is because an earlier version used store already). Within this directory are four sub-directories: rrdp and rsync contain the data for each stored publication point; ta contains the downloaded trust anchor certificates; and tmp is a directory for storing files as they are constructed.

All publication points that do not support RRDP are stored under rsync. Each has a file stored at a path and file name derived from the signedObject URI of its manifest, starting with the authority part of the URI and then just following along. The file contains status information, the manifest, the CRL, and each object. It starts with a serialized StoredManifest which is followed by a sequence of serialized StoredObjects for all the objects as given on the manifest.

All publication points that are hosted in an RRDP repository are stored under rrdp, independently of whether they have been retrieved via RRDP or rsync. Directly under rrdp is a set of directories for all the authorities (i.e., host names) of the RRDP servers seen. Within each of these is a set of directories named after the SHA-256 hash of the rpkiNotify URI of the RRDP repository. These directories in turn contain the same files for each publication point as in the rsync case above. They are similarly stored at a path and file name derived from the signedObject URI of the manifest with the rsync scheme used as the first component instead. (There is no good reason for that, it just happened.)

Trust anchor certficates are stored under ta using a three level directory structure derived from the URI the certificate is retrieved from. The first level is the scheme, https or rsync, the second level is the authority (i.e., hostname), and the third is the SHA-256 hash of the full URI with an extension of .cer added.

Finally, the tmp directory is used to build the publication point files in so they can be constructed without yet knowing whether the update is actually complete and correct. File names here are named using eight random hex-digits.


Access to a single repository during a validation run.
A single validation run on using the store.
A store for correctly published RPKI objects.
The content of a manifest placed in the store.
The content of an object placed in the store.
The stored information of a publication point.


An error happend while updating a publication point.