initSidebarItems({"enum":[["OscError","Represents errors returned by `decode` or `encode`."],["OscPacket","An *osc packet* can contain an *osc message* or a bundle of nested messages which is called *osc bundle*."],["OscType","see OSC Type Tag String: padding: zero bytes (n*4)"]],"mod":[["decoder","Provides a decoding method for OSC packets."],["encoder","Encodes an `OscPacket` to a byte vector."]],"struct":[["OscBundle","An OSC bundle contains zero or more OSC packets and a time tag. The contained packets *should* be applied at the given time tag."],["OscColor","An RGBA color."],["OscMessage","An OSC message consists of an address and zero or more arguments. The address should specify an element of your Instrument (or whatever you want to control with OSC) and the arguments are used to set properties of the element to the respective values."],["OscMidiMessage","Represents the parts of a Midi message. Mainly used for tunneling midi over a network using the OSC protocol."]],"type":[["Result",""]]});