initSidebarItems({"enum":[["RosalindError",""]],"mod":[["dna","Module for `Counting DNA Nucleotides`"],["fib","Module for `Rabbits and Recurrence Relations`, `Mortal Fibonacci Rabbits`"],["gc","Module for `Computing GC Content`"],["hamm","Module for `Counting Point Mutations`"],["iprb","Module for `Mendel's First Law`"],["prot","Module for `Translating RNA into Protein, Inferring mRNA from Protein, Calculating Protein Mass`"],["revc","Module for `Complementing a Strand of DNA`"],["rna","Module for `Transcribing DNA into RNA`"],["subs","Module for `Finding a Motif in DNA`"]],"type":[["RosalindResult","Unified return type for all modules and methods of `rosalind` library"]]});