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Collection of roqoqo spin-boson operations. Abstract operations for qubit-resonator hardware


  • Controlled-Z operation between a qubit and a bosonic mode, where the two-dimensional subspace of the bosonic mode spanned by the occupation number states |0⟩_B and |1⟩_B is considered as the second qubit involved in the CZ operation.
  • The Jaynes-Cummings gate exp(-i * θ * (σ^- * b^† + σ^+ * b))
  • Longitudinal coupling gate exp(-i * θ * Z * (b^† + b))
  • The quantum Rabi interaction exp(-i * θ * X * (b^† + b))
  • Loads a single excitation from a bosonic mode into a qubit as follows (c1 |0⟩_B + c2 |1⟩_B) ⨂ |0⟩_Q -> |0⟩_B ⨂ (c1 |0⟩_Q + c2 |1⟩_Q)
  • Stores a single excitation from the involved qubit into the involved bosonic mode as follows |0⟩_B ⨂ (a |0⟩_Q + b |1⟩_Q) -> (a|0⟩_B + b |1⟩_B ) ⨂ |0⟩_Q
