Module roqoqo::devices[][src]

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Traits defining the standard functions for roqoqo devices.

Devices in roqoqo have two use cases:

  • Abstract devices: Contain abstract information for the model of a quantum computer and its parameters. They can be used to determine which Operations are available on a specific device model. A typical example are abstract linear chains of square lattices in which two-qubit operations are only available between neighbouring qubits.

    The abstract devices can also encode a noise model. Roqoqo noise models are in general based on a (pseudo) time needed to execute a quantum operation and Lindblad rates for the qubits in the device. Specifically in the noise model each qubit undergoes a continuous Lindblad-type decoherence time evolution:

    $$ \frac{d}{dt}\rho = \sum_{i,j=0}^{2} M_{i,j} L_{i} \rho L_{j}^{\dagger} - \frac{1}{2} { L_{j}^{\dagger} L_i, \rho } \\ L_0 = \sigma^{+} \\ L_1 = \sigma^{-} \\ L_3 = \sigma^{z} $$ Note that as long as gate times and decoherence rates are scaled inversely any kind of units can be used, but we recommend using nanoseconds and inverse nanosecconds as units for gate times and decoherence rates.

  • Actual hardware devices: These devices are provided by roqoqo backends and contain the necessary information for accessing the quantum computing hardware. The devices also encode a connectivity model


Trait for roqoqo devices.