Expand description

Executes mocked qoqo operation.


  • operation - The qoqo Operation that is executed.
  • registers - The five registers used in the Interface: (1) HashMap containing bit readout values. (2) HashMap containing float readout values. (3) HashMap containing complex readout values. (4) HashMap containing a register for each repetition of the circuit (bit readout values). (5) HashMap containing a register for each repetition of the circuit (complex readout values).
  • `number_qubits: Number of qubits mocked.


  • `Ok(HashMap<String, BitRegister>, HashMap<String, FloatRegister>, HashMap<String, ComplexRegister>, HashMap<String, BitOutputRegister>, HashMap<String, ComplexOutputRegister>) - The five input registers with the readouts from the operation.
  • Err(RoqoqoBackendError) - Operation not supported by Mocked backend.