[][src]Function roots::find_roots_sturm

pub fn find_roots_sturm<F>(
    a: &[F],
    convergency: &mut dyn Convergency<F>
) -> Vec<Result<F, SearchError>> where
    F: FloatType

Find all roots of the normalized polynomial x^n + a[0]*x^(n-1) + a[1]*x^(n-2) + ... + a[n-1] = 0 using the Sturm's theorem recursively.


use roots::find_roots_sturm;

let polynom = &[1f64,1f64,1f64,1f64,1f64,1f64];

let roots_or_errors = find_roots_sturm(polynom, &mut 1e-6);
// Returns vector of roots or search errors;

let roots: Vec<_> = find_roots_sturm(polynom, &mut 1e-8f64)
            .filter_map(|s| match s {
                &Ok(ref x) => Some(*x),
                &Err(_) => None,
// Returns vector of roots filterin out all search errors;