Derive Macro rocket_codegen::FromForm[][src]

    // Attributes available to this derive:
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Derive for the FromForm trait.

The FromForm derive can be applied to structures with named fields:

struct MyStruct<'r> {
    field: usize,
    #[field(name = "renamed_field")]
    #[field(name = uncased("RenamedField"))]
    other: &'r str,
    #[field(validate = range(1..), default = 3)]
    r#type: usize,
    #[field(default = None)]
    is_nice: bool,

Each field’s type is required to implement FromForm.

The derive generates an implementation of the FromForm trait. The implementation parses a form whose field names match the field names of the structure on which the derive was applied. Each field’s value is parsed with the FromForm implementation of the field’s type. The FromForm implementation succeeds only when all fields parse successfully or return a default. Errors are collected into a form::Errors and returned if non-empty after parsing all fields.

The derive accepts one field attribute: field, with the following syntax:

field := name? default? validate*

name := 'name' '=' name_val ','?
name_val :=  '"' FIELD_NAME '"'
         | 'uncased(' '"' FIELD_NAME '"' ')

default := 'default' '=' EXPR ','?
         | 'default_with' '=' EXPR ','?

validate := 'validate' '=' EXPR ','?

FIELD_NAME := valid field name, according to the HTML5 spec
EXPR := valid expression, as defined by Rust

The attribute can be applied any number of times on a field as long as at most one of default or default_with is present per field:

struct MyStruct {
    #[field(name = uncased("number"))]
    #[field(default = 42)]
    field: usize,
    #[field(name = "renamed_field")]
    #[field(name = uncased("anotherName"))]
    #[field(validate = eq("banana"))]
    #[field(validate = neq("orange"))]
    other: String


A name attribute changes the name to match against when parsing the form field. The value is either an exact string to match against ("foo"), or uncased("foo"), which causes the match to be case-insensitive but case-preserving. When more than one name attribute is applied, the field will match against any of the names.

validate = expr

The validation expr is run if the field type parses successfully. The expression must return a value of type Result<(), form::Errors>. On Err, the errors are added to the thus-far collected errors. If more than one validate attribute is applied, all validations are run.

default = expr

If expr is not literally None, the parameter sets the default value of the field to be expr.into(). If expr is None, the parameter unsets the default value of the field, if any. The expression is only evaluated if the attributed field is missing in the incoming form.

Except when expr is None, expr must be of type T: Into<F> where F is the field’s type.

default_with = expr

The parameter sets the default value of the field to be exactly expr which must be of type Option<F> where F is the field’s type. If the expression evaluates to None, there is no default. Otherwise the value wrapped in Some is used. The expression is only evaluated if the attributed field is missing in the incoming form.

use std::num::NonZeroUsize;

struct MyForm {
    // `NonZeroUsize::new()` return an `Option<NonZeroUsize>`.
    #[field(default_with = NonZeroUsize::new(42))]
    num: NonZeroUsize,