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Error management

Parsers are generic over their error type, requiring that it implements the error::ParseError<Input> trait.


Creates a parse error from a nom::ErrorKind, the position in the input and the next error in the parsing tree

Creates a parse error from a nom::ErrorKind and the position in the input


default error type, only contains the error’ location and code

This error type accumulates errors and their position when backtracking through a parse tree. With some post processing (cf examples/json.rs), it can be used to display user friendly error messages


Indicates which parser returned an error

Error context for VerboseError


This trait is required by the context combinator to add a static string to an existing error

This trait is required by the map_res combinator to integrate error types from external functions, like std::str::FromStr

This trait must be implemented by the error type of a nom parser.


Combines an existing error with a new one created from the input position and an ErrorKind. This is useful when backtracking through a parse tree, accumulating error context on the way

Create a new error from an input position, a static string and an existing error. This is used mainly in the context combinator, to add user friendly information to errors when backtracking through a parse tree

Transforms a VerboseError into a trace with input position information

Prints a message and the input if the parser fails.

Converts an ErrorKind to a number

Creates an error from the input position and an ErrorKind