Expand description

This library is a storage agnostic abstraction over OCFL repositories.

Create a new OcflRepo as follows:

use rocfl::ocfl::OcflRepo;

let repo = OcflRepo::fs_repo("path/to/ocfl/storage/root", None);


Optional meta that may be associated with a commit
Represents a path within a version’s content directory. This path must be relative the object root.
Details about a file in an OCFL object
Lazily validates every object in the repository. Each call to next() validates another object.
Represents the logical path to a file in an object.
Encapsulates OCFL metadata about an object
The results of validating an OCFL object
Represents a version of an OCFL object
Similar to ObjectVersion, except it does not contain the state map.
OCFL repository
Encapsulates OCFL metadata about a repository
An iterator over the variants of Self
The storage layout maps object IDs to locations within the storage root
The results of validating the structure of an OCFL repository
Metadata about a version


Represents a change to a file
Enum of all valid digest algorithms
OCFL validation codes for errors: https://ocfl.io/1.0/spec/validation-codes.html
Util enum intended to handle values that are modeled by enums and extend them to support cases when an unknown value is specified. For example, if a repository implements an OCFL spec version that is not modeled by SpecVersion.
Enum of known storage layout extensions
Application errors
OCFL spec version
Represents either a specific version number or whatever the current head version is
OCFL validation codes for warnings: https://ocfl.io/1.0/spec/validation-codes.html


Lazily validates every object in the repository. Each call to next() validates another object.

Type Definitions