[][src]Module roa::body

The body module of roa. This module provides a context extension PowerBody.

Read/write body in a simpler way.

The roa_core provides several methods to read/write body.

use roa::core::{Context, Result};
use futures::AsyncReadExt;
use futures::io::BufReader;
use async_std::fs::File;

async fn get(ctx: Context<()>) -> Result {
    // roa_core::Body implements futures::AsyncBufRead.
    let mut data = String::new();
    ctx.req_mut().await.read_to_string(&mut data).await?;
    println!("data: {}", data);

       // write object implementing futures::AsyncRead
       // write object implementing futures::AsyncBufRead
       .write_buf(b"Hello, World!".as_ref())
       // write `impl ToString`
       .write_str("I am Roa.")
       // write `impl Into<Vec<u8>>`
       .write_bytes(b"Hey Roa.".as_ref());

These methods is useful, but they do not deal with headers, especially Content-* headers.

The PowerBody provides more powerful methods to handle it.

use roa::core::{Context, Result};
use roa::body::PowerBody;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use askama::Template;
use async_std::fs::File;
use futures::io::BufReader;

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Template)]
#[template(path = "user.html")]
struct User {
    id: u64,
    name: String,

async fn get(ctx: Context<()>) -> Result {
    // deserialize User from request automatically by Content-Type.
    let mut user: User = ctx.read().await?;

    // deserialize as json.
    user = ctx.read_json().await?;

    // deserialize as x-form-urlencoded.
    user = ctx.read_form().await?;

    // serialize object and write it to body,
    // set "Content-Type"

    // open file and write it to body,
    // set "Content-Type" and "Content-Disposition"

    // write text,
    // set "Content-Type"
    ctx.write_text("Hello, World!").await?;

    // write object implementing AsyncBufRead,
    // set "Content-Type"

    // render html template, based on [askama](https://github.com/djc/askama).
    // set "Content-Type"



A context extension to read/write body more simply.