[][src]Module rmicrobit::graphics

Graphics for rendering on the 5×5 LED display.


This module provides:

  • simple 5×5 greyscale and black-and-white image types;
  • a copy of the 'pendolino' font from the micro:bit runtime;
  • support for scrolling text.

The Render trait

The graphics types in this module implement the display::Render trait, which defines the interface that the display code needs.

It supports ten levels of brightness; see Greyscale model.

Simple images

The image module provides two static image types implementing Render:

  • GreyscaleImage, allowing all 10 levels (using one byte for each LED)
  • BitImage, allowing only 'on' and 'off' (using five bytes)


The font module provides 5×5 representations of the ascii printable characters as BitImages.

These are taken from the "pendolino" font supplied with the micro:bit runtime.

Scrolling images and text

The scrolling module supports horizontal scrolling for a sequence of images via a ScrollingImages type which implements Render and an Animate interface.

The scrolling_text module supports scrolling messages, providing ScrollingStaticText and ScrollingBufferedText types.



A 5×5 ascii font.


Static 5×5 greyscale and black-and-white images.


Support for scrolling sequences of 5×5 images horizontally.


Support for scrolling ascii text horizontally.