Module rkyv::with

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Wrapper type support and commonly used wrappers.

Wrappers can be applied with the #[with(...)] attribute in the Archive macro. See With for examples.


  • A wrapper that serializes a field into a box.
  • A wrapper that serializes a Cow as if it were owned.
  • A wrapper that attempts to convert a type to and from UTF-8.
  • A wrapper that serializes associative containers as a Vec of key-value pairs.
  • A wrapper that archives an atomic with an underlying atomic.
  • A wrapper that provides specialized, performant implementations of serialization and deserialization.
  • A wrapper to make a type immutable.
  • A wrapper that serializes a reference inline.
  • A wrapper that locks a lock and serializes the value immutably.
  • A generic wrapper that allows wrapping an Option<T>.
  • A wrapper that niches some type combinations.
  • A wrapper that provides an optimized bulk data array. This is primarily intended for large amounts of raw data, like bytes, floats, or integers.
  • A wrapper that serializes a reference as if it were boxed.
  • A wrapper that skips serializing a field.
  • A wrapper that converts a SystemTime to a Duration since UNIX_EPOCH.
  • A wrapper that allows serialize-unsafe types to be serialized.
  • A transparent wrapper for archived fields.



Type Definitions

  • BoxedDeprecated
    A wrapper that serializes a reference as if it were boxed.