[][src]Derive Macro rkyv::Archive

    // Attributes available to this derive:

Derives Archive for the labeled type.

Additional arguments can be specified using the #[archive(...)] attribute:

  • copy: Implements ArchiveCopy as well as Archive. Only suitable for types that can be directly archived.
  • derive(...): Adds a #[derive(...)] attribute to the archived type.
  • name, name = "...": Exposes the archived type with the given name. If used without a name assignment, uses the name "Archived" + name.

This derive macro automatically adds a type bound field: Archive for each field type. This can cause an overflow while evaluating trait bounds if the structure eventually references its own type, as the implementation of Archive for a struct depends on each field type implementing it as well. Adding the attribute #[recursive] to a field will suppress this trait bound and allow recursive structures. This may be too coarse for some types, in which case Archive will have to be implemented manually.


use rkyv::Archive;

enum Node<T> {
    Cons(T, #[recursive] Box<Node<T>>),