Expand description

Provides parsing functions for RIS-Live real-time BGP message stream JSON data.

The main parsing function, parse_ris_live_message converts a JSON-formatted message string into a vector of BgpElems.

Here is an example parsing stream data from one collector:

use serde_json::json;
use tungstenite::{connect, Message};
use ris_live_rs::error::ParserRisliveError;
use ris_live_rs::parse_ris_live_message;

const RIS_LIVE_URL: &str = "ws://ris-live.ripe.net/v1/ws/?client=rust-bgpkit-parser";

/// This is an example of subscribing to RIS-Live's streaming data.
/// For more RIS-Live details, check out their documentation at https://ris-live.ripe.net/manual/
fn main() {
    // connect to RIPE RIS Live websocket server
    let (mut socket, _response) =
            .expect("Can't connect to RIS Live websocket server");

    // subscribe to messages from one collector
    let msg = json!({"type": "ris_subscribe", "data": null}).to_string();

    loop {
        let msg = socket.read_message().expect("Error reading message").to_string();
        if msg.is_empty() {
        match parse_ris_live_message(msg.as_str()) {
            Ok(elems) => {
                for e in elems {
                    println!("{}", e);
            Err(error) => {
                if let ParserRisliveError::ElemEndOfRibPrefix = error {
                    println!("{:?}", &error);
                    println!("{}", msg);



This function parses one message and returns a result of a vector of BgpElems or an error