ripissue 0.1.3-rc.1

CLI tool written in Rust for distributed bug / issue / story tracking with the filesystem and git.
ripissue-0.1.3-rc.1 is not a library.


CLI tool written in Rust for distributed bug / issue / story tracking with the filesystem and git.

Inspired by:

Development Workflow


cargo add ripi

Basic usage

Create an issue

ripi issue commit "My issue" -t web3 -t dev-john -s todo

Commit/update an issue

ripi issue commit "My issue" -s doing

Close an issue

ripi issue close my_issue

Reopen an issue

ripi issue reopen my_issue

List all issues

ripi issue list -a

Release Workflow

Inspired by this release workflow^1.

Releases depend on:

Prepare releases

  • At develop branch: fetch/rebase origin/develop
  • Prepare [[changelog]]
  • Switch to staging and merge develop
  • Solve conflicts
  • Run git hooks

Create and push tags

  • at staging branch
  • cargo release rc to bump minor version and add rc to it


