Function ring::signature::verify [] [src]

pub fn verify(alg: &VerificationAlgorithm,
              public_key: Input,
              msg: Input,
              signature: Input)
              -> Result<(), Unspecified>

Verify the signature signature of message msg with the public key public_key using the algorithm alg.


Verify a RSA PKCS#1 signature that uses the SHA-256 digest

extern crate ring;
extern crate untrusted;

use ring::signature;

enum Error {

fn verify_rsa_pkcs1_sha256(public_key: untrusted::Input,
                           msg: untrusted::Input, sig: untrusted::Input)
                           -> Result<(), Error> {
   signature::verify(&signature::RSA_PKCS1_2048_8192_SHA256, public_key,
                     msg, sig).map_err(|_| Error::InvalidSignature)