Function ring::pbkdf2::verify[][src]

pub fn verify(
    digest_alg: &'static Algorithm,
    iterations: u32,
    salt: &[u8],
    secret: &[u8],
    previously_derived: &[u8]
) -> Result<(), Unspecified>

Verifies that a previously-derived (e.g., using derive) PBKDF2 value matches the PBKDF2 value derived from the other inputs.

The comparison is done in constant time to prevent timing attacks. The comparison will fail if previously_derived is empty (has a length of zero).

Parameter RFC 2898 Section 5.2 Term
digest_alg PRF (HMAC with the given digest algorithm).
iterations c (iteration count)
salt S (salt)
secret P (password)
previously_derived dk (derived key)
previously_derived.len() dkLen (derived key length)

C analog: PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC + CRYPTO_memcmp


verify panics if iterations < 1.

verify panics if out.len() is larger than (2**32 - 1) * the digest algorithm's output length, per the PBKDF2 specification.