Module rift::transport [] [src]

Types required to send and receive bytes over an I/O channel.

The core type exposed here is a TTransport, which can by used by a TProtocol. While TProtocol exposes a typed interface for communicating primitives, TTransport only deals with bytes.

Specific implementations include: * TBufferedTransport: wraps an underlying transport with a buffer, reducing the number of I/O operations * TFramedTransport: wraps an underlying transport and prefixes outgoing messages with a message-framing header * TTcpTransport: sends messages over a TCP socket



A Thrift transport that performs I/O operations to/from an intermediate buffer to avoid hitting the underlying transport unnecessarily. All writes are written to this object's intermediate buffer and only written to the underlying transport on a flush. All reads first fill this object's intermediate buffer, and are served from there.


Convenience object that can be used to create an instance of TBufferedTransport


Convenience object that can be used to create an instance of TFramedTransport.


Sends and receives bytes over a TCP socket.



Marker trait identifying a channel that can be used to send/receive bytes.


Helper type required by a TSimpleServer to create TTransport instances with which to communicate with accepted client connections.