pub fn custom_app<ExecC, QueryC, F>(init_fn: F) -> BasicApp<ExecC, QueryC>where
    ExecC: Debug + Clone + PartialEq + JsonSchema + DeserializeOwned + 'static,
    QueryC: Debug + CustomQuery + DeserializeOwned + 'static,
    F: FnOnce(&mut Router<BankKeeper, FailingModule<ExecC, QueryC, Empty>, WasmKeeper<ExecC, QueryC>, StakeKeeper, DistributionKeeper, FailingModule<IbcMsg, IbcQuery, Empty>, FailingModule<GovMsg, Empty, Empty>>, &dyn Api, &mut dyn Storage),
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Creates new default App implementation working with customized exec and query messages. Outside of App implementation to make type elision better.