Crate rhai[][src]

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Rhai - embedded scripting for Rust

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Rhai is a tiny, simple and fast embedded scripting language for Rust that gives you a safe and easy way to add scripting to your applications.

It provides a familiar syntax based on JavaScript+Rust and a simple Rust interface.

A Quick Example

Contents of my_script.rhai

/// Brute force factorial function
fn factorial(x) {
    if x == 1 { return 1; }
    x * factorial(x - 1)

// Calling an external function 'compute'

The Rust part

use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult};

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>>
    // Define external function
    fn compute_something(x: i64) -> bool {
        (x % 40) == 0

    // Create scripting engine
    let mut engine = Engine::new();

    // Register external function as 'compute'
    engine.register_fn("compute", compute_something);

        // Evaluate the script, expects a 'bool' return



See The Rhai Book for details on the Rhai scripting engine and language.


Module containing all built-in module resolvers.

Module containing all built-in packages available to Rhai, plus facilities to define custom packages.

Module defining macros for developing plugins.

(SERDE) Serialization and deserialization support for serde. Exported under the serde feature only.


Macro to combine a plugin module into an existing module.

Macro that makes it easy to define a package (which is basically a shared module) and register functions into it.

Macro to generate a Rhai Module from a plugin module defined via #[export_module].

Macro to register a plugin function (defined via #[export_fn]) into an Engine.

Macro to register a plugin function into a Rhai Module.

Macro to register a plugin function into a Rhai Module and expose it globally.


Compiled AST (abstract syntax tree) of a Rhai script.

(INTERNALS) A binary expression. Exported under the internals feature only.

(INTERNALS) A custom syntax expression. Exported under the internals feature only.

Dynamic type containing any value.

(INTERNALS) Lock guard for reading a Dynamic. Exported under the internals feature only.

(INTERNALS) Lock guard for writing a Dynamic. Exported under the internals feature only.

Rhai main scripting engine.

Context of a script evaluation process.

(INTERNALS) A type that holds all the current states of the Engine. Exported under the internals feature only.

An expression sub-tree in an AST.

A type that wraps a floating-point number and implements Hash.

(INTERNALS) A function call. Exported under the internals feature only.

(INTERNALS) An set of function call hashes. Exported under the internals feature only.

A general function pointer, which may carry additional (i.e. curried) argument values to be passed onto a function during a call.

(INTERNALS) An entry in a function resolution cache. Exported under the internals feature only.

(INTERNALS) An identifier containing a name and a position. Exported under the internals feature only.

The system immutable string type.

(INTERNALS) A stack of imported modules. Exported under the internals feature only.

(INTERNALS) A type containing all the limits imposed by the Engine. Exported under the internals feature only.

A module which may contain variables, sub-modules, external Rust functions, and/or script-defined functions.

(INTERNALS) A chain of module names to namespace-qualify a variable or function call. Exported under the internals feature only.

Context of a native Rust function call.

(INTERNALS) An op-assignment operator. Exported under the internals feature only.

Error when parsing a script.

A location (line number + character position) in the input script.

Type containing information about the current scope. Useful for keeping state between Engine evaluation runs.

(INTERNALS) A type containing information on a scripted function. Exported under the internals feature only.

A type containing the metadata of a script-defined function.

Alias to Rc or Arc depending on the sync feature flag.

(INTERNALS) A statements block. Exported under the internals feature only.

(INTERNALS) State of the tokenizer. Exported under the internals feature only.

(INTERNALS) A type containing commands to control the tokenizer.


(INTERNALS) An AST node, consisting of either an Expr or a Stmt. Exported under the internals feature only.

Evaluation result.

(INTERNALS) An expression sub-tree. Exported under the internals feature only.

A type representing the access mode of a function.

A type representing the namespace of a function.

(INTERNALS) Error encountered when tokenizing the script text. Exported under the internals feature only.

Level of optimization performed.

Type of error encountered when parsing a script.

(INTERNALS) A type encapsulating the mode of a return/throw statement. Exported under the internals feature only.

(INTERNALS) A statement. Exported under the internals feature only.

(INTERNALS) A Rhai language token. Exported under the internals feature only.


Standard method function for containment testing. The in operator is implemented as a call to this method.

Standard equality comparison operator.


Trait to create a Rust closure from a script.

Trait that parses arguments to a function call.

(INTERNALS) Trait that encapsulates a peekable character input stream. Exported under the internals feature only.

Trait that encapsulates a module resolution service.

Trait to register custom Rust functions.

(INTERNALS) Trait to represent any type. Exported under the internals feature only.


(INTERNALS) Get the next token from the stream. Exported under the internals feature only.

(INTERNALS) Parse a string literal ended by termination_char. Exported under the internals feature only.

Type Definitions

Variable-sized array of Dynamic values. Not available under no_index.

The system floating-point type. It is defined as f64. Not available under no_float.

(INTERNALS) A function resolution cache. Exported under the internals feature only.

The system integer type. It is defined as i64.


An identifier in Rhai. SmartString is used because most identifiers are ASCII and short, fewer than 23 characters, so they can be stored inline.

Hash map of Dynamic values with SmartString keys. Not available under no_object.

(INTERNALS) Alias to smallvec, which is a specialized Vec backed by a small, inline, fixed-size array when there are ≤ 4 items stored. Exported under the internals feature only.

(INTERNALS) A shared object that allows control of the tokenizer from outside.

Attribute Macros

Attribute, when put on a Rust function, turns it into a plugin function.

Attribute, when put on a Rust module, turns it into a plugin module.