Crate rhai[][src]

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Rhai - embedded scripting for Rust

Rhai is a tiny, simple and very fast embedded scripting language for Rust that gives you a safe and easy way to add scripting to your applications. It provides a familiar syntax based on JavaScript and Rust and a simple Rust interface. Here is a quick example.

First, the contents of my_script.rhai:

// Brute force factorial function
fn factorial(x) {
    if x == 1 { return 1; }
    x * factorial(x - 1)

// Calling an external function 'compute'

And the Rust part:

use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult, RegisterFn};

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>>
    // Define external function
    fn compute_something(x: i64) -> bool {
        (x % 40) == 0

    // Create scripting engine
    let mut engine = Engine::new();

    // Register external function as 'compute'
    engine.register_fn("compute", compute_something);

        // Evaluate the script, expects a 'bool' return



See The Rhai Book for details on the Rhai script engine and language.


Deserialization support for serde.

Module containing all built-in module resolvers available to Rhai.

Module containing all built-in packages available to Rhai, plus facilities to define custom packages.

Serialization support for serde.


Macro that makes it easy to define a package (which is basically a shared module) and register functions into it.


Compiled AST (abstract syntax tree) of a Rhai script.

[INTERNALS] A type wrapping a custom syntax definition. Exported under the internals feature only.

Dynamic type containing any value.

Rhai main scripting engine.

Context of a script evaluation process.

[INTERNALS] A type that holds all the current states of the Engine. Exported under the internals feature only.

An expression sub-tree in an AST.

[INTERNALS] A type wrapping a floating-point number. Exported under the internals feature only.

A general function pointer, which may carry additional (i.e. curried) argument values to be passed onto a function during a call.

The system immutable string type.

[INTERNALS] A type containing all the limits imposed by the Engine. Exported under the internals feature only.

An imported module, which may contain variables, sub-modules, external Rust functions, and script-defined functions.

[INTERNALS] A chain of module names to qualify a variable or function call. Exported under the internals feature only.

Error when parsing a script.

A location (line number + character position) in the input script.

Type containing information about the current scope. Useful for keeping state between Engine evaluation runs.

[INTERNALS] A type containing information on a scripted function. Exported under the internals feature only.

[INTERNALS] State of the tokenizer. Exported under the internals feature only.


Evaluation result.

[INTERNALS] An expression sub-tree. Exported under the internals feature only.

A type representing the access mode of a scripted function.

[INTERNALS] Error encountered when tokenizing the script text. Exported under the internals feature only.

Level of optimization performed.

Type of error encountered when parsing a script.

[INTERNALS] A type encapsulating the mode of a return/throw statement. Exported under the internals feature only.

[INTERNALS] A Rhai statement. Exported under the internals feature only.

[INTERNALS] A Rhai language token. Exported under the internals feature only.


Trait to create a Rust anonymous function from a script.

[INTERNALS] Trait that encapsulates a peekable character input stream. Exported under the internals feature only.

Trait that encapsulates a module resolution service.

Trait to register custom functions with the Engine.

Trait to register fallible custom functions returning Result<Dynamic, Box<EvalAltResult>> with the Engine.


Calculate a u64 hash key from a module-qualified function name and parameter types.

[INTERNALS] Get the next token from the InputStream. Exported under the internals feature only.

[INTERNALS] Parse a string literal wrapped by enclosing_char. Exported under the internals feature only.

Type Definitions

Variable-sized array of Dynamic values.

The system floating-point type.

The system integer type.

[INTERNALS] A stack of imported modules. Exported under the internals feature only.

A standard function that gets an iterator from a type.

Hash map of Dynamic values with ImmutableString keys.

[INTERNALS] Alias to smallvec::SmallVec<[T; 4]>, which is a specialized Vec backed by a small, fixed-size array when there are <= 4 items stored. Exported under the internals feature only.