Crate rgb20

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RGB20 library for working with fungible asset types, operating under schemata, defined with LNPBP-20 standard:


pub use asset::Asset;
pub use schema::SCHEMA_ID_BECH32;
pub use schema::SUBSCHEMA_ID_BECH32;


Data structures and APIs for working with RGB20 assets

RGB20 schemata defining fungible asset smart contract prototypes.

High-level RGB20 API performing asset issuance, transfers and other asset-management operations


Data structure keeping information about asset burn & replace operation

Data structure keeping information about asset burn & replace epoch

Structure keeping information about particular asset issue (primary or secondary, also called inflationary).

Nomination is a set of records keeping asset meta-information related to the names and other aspects of asset representation.

Accounting amount keeps track of the asset precision

Renomination operation details.

Structure providing extended information about the asset supply, derived from the known/available contract data.


Specific supply measure to be provided; used as an argument for methods returning supply information

Type Definitions

Representation of the float asset amount after dividing asset value (see AtomicValue) on the asset decimal precision exponential.