Module rfw::ecs[][src]



Filter that retrieves components of type T that have been added since the last execution of this system

Change trackers for component T

Filter that retrieves components of type T that have been changed since the last execution of this system

A list of commands that will be run to modify a World

A newtype for a task pool for CPU-intensive work that must be completed to deliver the next frame

Lightweight unique ID of an entity

Unique borrow of an entity’s component

Shared borrow of a NonSend resource

Unique borrow of a NonSend resource

Provides scoped access to a World according to a given WorldQuery and query filter

Shared borrow of a Resource

Unique borrow of a Resource

Stack based state machine

A builder for describing several systems at the same time.

Stores and executes systems. Execution order is not defined unless explicitly specified; see SystemDescriptor documentation.

Filter that selects entities with a component T

Filter that selects entities without a component T

World stores and exposes operations on entities, components, and their associated metadata. Each Entity has a set of components. Each component can have up to one instance of each component type. Entity components can be created, updated, removed, and queried using a given World.


The names of the default App stages

The names of the default App startup stages


An ordered collection of components, commonly used for spawning entities, and adding and removing components in bulk.

Creates Self using data from the given World

An ECS system that can be added to a Schedule

Derive Macros