initSidebarItems({"enum":[["ExifErrorKind","Possible fatal errors that may happen when an image is parsed."],["ExifTag","Enumeration that represents recognized EXIF tags found in TIFF IFDs."],["IfdFormat","Enumeration that represents the possible data formats of an IFD entry."],["Namespace","Enumeration that represent EXIF tag namespaces. Namespaces exist to accomodate future parsing of the manufacturer-specific tags embedded within the MarkerNote tag."],["TagValue","Tag value enumeration. It works as a variant type. Each value is actually a vector because many EXIF tags are collections of values. Exif tags with single values are represented as single-item vectors."]],"fn":[["ifdformat_new","Convert an IFD format code to the IfdFormat enumeration"],["parse_buffer","Parse a byte buffer that should contain a TIFF or JPEG image. Tries to detect format and parse EXIF data."],["parse_file","Opens an image (passed as a file name), tries to read and parse it."],["read_file","Try to read and parse an open file that is expected to contain an image"]],"struct":[["ExifData","Top-level structure that contains all parsed metadata inside an image"],["ExifEntry","Structure that represents a parsed EXIF tag."],["ExifError","EXIF parsing error type"],["IRational","Encapsulation of the TIFF type that represents a signed rational number"],["IfdEntry","Structure that represents a parsed IFD entry of a TIFF image"],["URational","Encapsulation of the TIFF type that represents an unsigned rational number"]],"type":[["ExifEntryResult","Type resturned by lower-level parsing functions"],["ExifResult","Type returned by image file parsing"]]});