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reView - API Documentation

reView is a Rust library for creating front-end web apps using WebAssembly

  • Features a fluent API for declaring interactive HTML with Rust expressions.
  • Use a VirtualDOM to minimize DOM API calls for each page render.

reView is not production-ready, and it’s a WIP project so expect breaking changes between versions.

Supported Targets (Client-Side Rendering)

  • wasm32-unknown-unknown


use review::EventType::OnClick;
use review::Tag::{Button, Div};
use review::{callback, children, component, use_state, ElementBuilder, VNode};

pub fn app() -> VNode {
    let (state, set_state) = use_state(0);

        format!("Current value {}", state),
            .with_child("Increase counter")
            .with_event(OnClick, callback!(move || { set_state(*state + 1) }))

fn main() {

    review::render(App(()).into(), "root");


pub use log;


This macro is used to declare event for a Tag element using the ElementBuilder API
This macro helps to declare children for a Tag element using the ElementBuilder API


A VElement is a particulat type of VNode generated from a Tag


Rappresent all possible js events used in reView
Rappresent all possible tag used in reView
A VNode rappresent a node in the VirtualDOM tree.


This is the API to declare VNode in reView


Initialize the logger with the specified minimum log log::Level
Starts a reView app mounted to the element with the specified id.
The Effect Hook lets you perform side effects in components
This hook is used to manage the state in a component.

Type Definitions

The type returned from a use_state hook

Attribute Macros

This attribute creates a component from a normal Rust function.
This attribute creates a user-defined hook from a normal Rust function.