Crate retty

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What is Retty?

Retty is an asynchronous Rust networking framework that makes it easy to build protocols, application clients/servers.

It’s like Netty or Wangle, but in Rust.

What is a Pipeline?

The fundamental abstraction of Retty is the Pipeline. It offers immense flexibility to customize how requests and responses are handled by your service. Once you have fully understood this abstraction, you will be able to write all sorts of sophisticated protocols, application clients/servers.

A Pipeline is a chain of request/response handlers that handle inbound request and outbound response. Once you chain handlers together, it provides an agile way to convert a raw data stream into the desired message type and the inverse – desired message type to raw data stream. Pipeline implements an advanced form of the Intercepting Filter pattern to give a user full control over how an event is handled and how the handlers in a pipeline interact with each other.

A Handler should do one and only one function - just like the UNIX philosophy. If you have a handler that is doing more than one function than you should split it into individual handlers. This is really important for maintainability and flexibility as its common to change your protocol for one reason or the other.

How does an event flow in a Pipeline?

                                                      | write()
  |                             Pipeline              |               |
  |                                                  \|/              |
  |    +---------------------+            +-----------+----------+    |
  |    |  InboundHandler  N  |            |  OutboundHandler  N  |    |
  |    +----------+----------+            +-----------+----------+    |
  |              /|\          \                       |               |
  |               |            \........              |               |
  |               |                     \             |               |
  |               |                     _\|          \|/              |
  |    +----------+----------+            +-----------+----------+    |
  |    |  InboundHandler N-1 |            |  OutboundHandler N-1 |    |
  |    +----------+----------+            +-----------+----------+    |
  |              /|\          \                       |               |
  |               |            \                      |               |
  |               |           OutboundHandlerContext.fire_write()     |
  |               |                  \                |               |
  |               |                   \               |               |
  |InboundHandlerContext.fire_read()   \              |               |
  |               |                     \             |               |
  |               |                     _\|          \|/              |
  |    +----------+----------+            +-----------+----------+    |
  |    |  InboundHandler  2  |            |  OutboundHandler  2  |    |
  |    +----------+----------+            +-----------+----------+    |
  |              /|\          \                       |               |
  |               |            \........              |               |
  |               |                     \             |               |
  |               |                     _\|          \|/              |
  |    +----------+----------+            +-----------+----------+    |
  |    |  InboundHandler  1  |            |  OutboundHandler  1  |    |
  |    +----------+----------+            +-----------+----------+    |
  |              /|\                                  |               |
                  | read()                            |
                  |                                  \|/
  |               |                                   |               |
  |  [ ]            [ AsyncTransport.write() ]  |
  |                                                                   |
  |        Internal I/O Threads (Transport Implementation)            |

Echo Server Example

Let’s look at how to write an echo server.

Here’s the main piece of code in our echo server; it receives a string from inbound direction in the pipeline, prints it to stdout and sends it back to outbound direction in the pipeline. It’s really important to add the line delimiter because our pipeline will use a line decoder.

struct EchoDecoder;
struct EchoEncoder;
struct EchoHandler {
    decoder: EchoDecoder,
    encoder: EchoEncoder,

impl InboundHandler for EchoDecoder {
    type Rin = String;
    type Rout = Self::Rin;

    async fn read(
        &mut self,
        ctx: &mut InboundHandlerContext<Self::Rin, Self::Rout>,
        msg: Self::Rin,
    ) {
        println!("handling {}", msg);
        ctx.fire_write(format!("{}\r\n", msg)).await;

impl OutboundHandler for EchoEncoder {
    type Win = String;
    type Wout = Self::Win;

    async fn write(
        &mut self,
        ctx: &mut OutboundHandlerContext<Self::Win, Self::Wout>,
        msg: Self::Win,
    ) {

impl Handler for EchoHandler {
    type Rin = String;
    type Rout = Self::Rin;
    type Win = String;
    type Wout = Self::Win;

    fn name(&self) -> &str {

    fn split(
    ) -> (
        Box<dyn InboundHandler<Rin = Self::Rin, Rout = Self::Rout>>,
        Box<dyn OutboundHandler<Win = Self::Win, Wout = Self::Wout>>,
    ) {
        (Box::new(self.decoder), Box::new(self.encoder))

This needs to be the final handler in the pipeline. Now the definition of the pipeline is needed to handle the requests and responses.

let mut bootstrap = BootstrapTcpServer::new(default_runtime().unwrap());
    move |sock: Box<dyn AsyncTransportWrite + Send + Sync>| {
        Box::pin(async move {
            let pipeline: Pipeline<BytesMut, String> = Pipeline::new();

            let async_transport_handler = AsyncTransportTcp::new(sock);
            let line_based_frame_decoder_handler = ByteToMessageCodec::new(Box::new(
                LineBasedFrameDecoder::new(8192, true, TerminatorType::BOTH),
            let string_codec_handler = StringCodec::new();
            let echo_handler = EchoHandler::new();



It is very important to be strict in the order of insertion as they are ordered by insertion. The pipeline has 4 handlers:

  • AsyncTransportTcp
    • Inbound: Reads a raw data stream from the socket and converts it into a zero-copy byte buffer.
    • Outbound: Writes the contents of a zero-copy byte buffer to the underlying socket.
  • ByteToMessageCodec
    • Inbound: receives a zero-copy byte buffer and splits on line-endings
    • Outbound: just passes the byte buffer to AsyncTransportTcp
  • StringCodec
    • Inbound: receives a byte buffer and decodes it into a std::string and pass up to the EchoHandler.
    • Outbound: receives a std::string and encodes it into a byte buffer and pass down to the ByteToMessageCodec.
  • EchoHandler
    • Inbound: receives a std::string and writes it to the pipeline, which will send the message outbound.
    • Outbound: receives a std::string and forwards it to StringCodec.

Now that all needs to be done is plug the pipeline factory into a BootstrapTcpServer and that’s pretty much it. Bind a local host:port and wait for it to stop.

bootstrap.bind(format!("{}:{}", host, port)).await?;

println!("Press ctrl-c to stop");
tokio::select! {
    _ = tokio::signal::ctrl_c() => {

Echo Client Example

The code for the echo client is very similar to the Echo Server. Here is the main echo handler.

impl InboundHandler for EchoDecoder {
    type Rin = String;
    type Rout = Self::Rin;

    async fn read(
        &mut self,
        _ctx: &mut InboundHandlerContext<Self::Rin, Self::Rout>,
        msg: Self::Rin,
    ) {
        println!("received back: {}", msg);
    async fn read_exception(
        &mut self,
        ctx: &mut InboundHandlerContext<Self::Rin, Self::Rout>,
        err: Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>,
    ) {
        println!("received exception: {}", err);
    async fn read_eof(&mut self, ctx: &mut InboundHandlerContext<Self::Rin, Self::Rout>) {
        println!("EOF received :(");

impl OutboundHandler for EchoEncoder {
    type Win = String;
    type Wout = Self::Win;

    async fn write(
        &mut self,
        ctx: &mut OutboundHandlerContext<Self::Win, Self::Wout>,
        msg: Self::Win,
    ) {

impl Handler for EchoHandler {
    type Rin = String;
    type Rout = Self::Rin;
    type Win = String;
    type Wout = Self::Win;

    fn name(&self) -> &str {

    fn split(
    ) -> (
        Box<dyn InboundHandler<Rin = Self::Rin, Rout = Self::Rout>>,
        Box<dyn OutboundHandler<Win = Self::Win, Wout = Self::Wout>>,
    ) {
        (Box::new(self.decoder), Box::new(self.encoder))

Notice that we override other methods—read_exception and read_eof. There are few other methods that can be overriden. If you need to handle a particular event, just override the corresponding method.

Now onto the client’s pipeline factory. It is identical the server’s pipeline factory, which handles writing data.

let mut bootstrap = BootstrapTcpClient::new(default_runtime().unwrap());
    move |sock: Box<dyn AsyncTransportWrite + Send + Sync>| {
        Box::pin(async move {
            let pipeline: Pipeline<BytesMut, String> = Pipeline::new();

            let async_transport_handler = AsyncTransportTcp::new(sock);
            let line_based_frame_decoder_handler = ByteToMessageCodec::new(Box::new(
                LineBasedFrameDecoder::new(8192, true, TerminatorType::BOTH),
            let string_codec_handler = StringCodec::new();
            let echo_handler = EchoHandler::new(Duration::from_secs(5));



Now that all needs to be done is plug the pipeline factory into a BootstrapTcpClient and that’s pretty much it. Connect to the remote peer and then read line from stdin and write it to pipeline.

let pipeline = bootstrap

println!("Enter bye to stop");
let mut buffer = String::new();
while stdin().read_line(&mut buffer).is_ok() {
    match buffer.trim_end() {
        "" => break,
        line => {
            if line == "bye" {
            pipeline.write(format!("{}\r\n", line)).await;


The helpful bootstrap APIs which enable an easy implementation of typical client side and server side pipeline initialization.
The handler and pipeline APIs which are asynchronous and event-driven abstraction of various transports
Extensible encoder/decoder and its common implementations which deal with the packet fragmentation and reassembly issue found in a stream-based transport such as TCP or datagram-based transport such as UDP.
Asynchronous runtime abstraction for tokio (default) and async-std
Asynchronous transport abstraction for TCP and UDP