Trait retro_pixel::WritableImage[][src]

pub trait WritableImage<P>: ReadableImage<P> + IndexMut<(usize, usize), Output = P> {
    fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut P;

    fn get_mut(&mut self, loc: (usize, usize)) -> Option<&mut P> { ... }
fn slice_mut(&mut self, r: Range<(usize, usize)>) -> ImageMutSlice<P> { ... }
fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> ImageMutRefIter<P> { ... }
fn set_all(&mut self, pixel: P)
        P: Clone
, { ... }
fn direct_copy<S>(&mut self, src: &S, offset: (isize, isize))
        S: ReadableImage<P>,
        P: Copy
, { ... }
fn flip_vertical(&mut self) { ... }
fn flip_horizontal(&mut self) { ... }
fn inplace_counterclockwise90_square(&mut self) -> Option<()> { ... }
fn blit_generic<RI, F>(&mut self, src: &RI, offset: (isize, isize), op: F)
        RI: ReadableImage<P>,
        F: FnMut(P, P) -> P,
        P: Copy
, { ... } }

The trait for anything that can be written to as if it was an image.

Required Methods

Raw mut pointer to the data.

Provided Methods

Performs an optional indexing by mut reference, gives None for out of bounds.

Grabs out a mutable sub-slice of the data.


If either end of the requested portion is out of bounds.

use retro_pixel::*;
let width = 10;
let height = 15;
let mut vi: VecImage<u8> = VecImage::new(width,height);
let base_ptr = vi.as_ptr();
let base_pitch = vi.pitch();

let mut whole_slice = vi.slice_mut( (0,0) .. (width,height) );
assert_eq!(whole_slice.width(), width);
assert_eq!(whole_slice.height(), height);
assert_eq!(whole_slice.pitch(), base_pitch);
assert_eq!(whole_slice.as_ptr(), base_ptr);

let partial_slice = whole_slice.slice_mut( (3,3) .. (7,8) );
assert_eq!(partial_slice.width(), 4);
assert_eq!(partial_slice.height(), 5);
assert_eq!(partial_slice.pitch(), base_pitch);
assert_eq!(partial_slice.as_ptr(), unsafe { base_ptr.offset(3 + (3 * base_pitch)) } );
Important traits for ImageMutRefIter<'a, P>

Lets you mutably iterate over any writable form of image.

Assigns all locations to be the given pixel value.

Directly copies the data from the source image into this image.

The source image is copied in at the offset given. The resulting region is automatically clipped to stay within bounds, and you can even specify a negative offset if you like.

Because of rust's lifetime rules, and because absolutely no special processing happens when moving the data between the two images, this just does a byte-wise copy_nonoverlapping operation, so it's pretty zippy.

use retro_pixel::*;
let mut dest = VecImage::new(5,5);
let mut src = VecImage::new(2,3);
src[(0,2)] = 5;
src[(1,2)] = 5;

dest.direct_copy(&src, (1,-1));

for y in 0 .. dest.height() {
  for x in 0 .. dest.width() {
    match (x,y) {
      (1,0) | (2,0) => assert_eq!(dest[(x,y)], 3),
      (1,1) | (2,1) => assert_eq!(dest[(x,y)], 5),
      _ => assert_eq!(dest[(x,y)], 0),

Flips the image vertically.

use retro_pixel::*;
let mut im = VecImage::new(2,2);
im[(0,0)] = 5u8;
im[(1,0)] = 5;


assert_eq!(im[(0,0)], 0);
assert_eq!(im[(1,0)], 0);
assert_eq!(im[(0,1)], 5);
assert_eq!(im[(1,1)], 5);

Flips the image horizontally.

use retro_pixel::*;
let mut im = VecImage::new(2,2);
im[(0,0)] = 5u8;
im[(0,1)] = 5;


assert_eq!(im[(0,0)], 0);
assert_eq!(im[(1,0)], 5);
assert_eq!(im[(0,1)], 0);
assert_eq!(im[(1,1)], 5);

Performs a 90 degrees counter-clockwise rotation, in place.


The method simply fails with a None return if the image isn't square.

use retro_pixel::*;
let mut im = VecImage::new(3,3);
im[(0,0)] = 5u8;
im[(2,0)] = 6;
im[(2,2)] = 7;
im[(0,2)] = 8;

assert_eq!(im[(0,0)], 8);
assert_eq!(im[(2,0)], 5);
assert_eq!(im[(2,2)], 6);
assert_eq!(im[(0,2)], 7);


Modifies this image by overlaying the source image at the offset given.

For each pixel of overlap between src and dest, the closure is called with |src, dest| as parameters, and the closure should return the result to write as the new value for dest.

use retro_pixel::*;
let mut dest = VecImage::new(5,5);
let mut src = VecImage::new(2,3);
src[(0,2)] = 5;
src[(1,2)] = 5;

dest.blit_generic(&src, (1,-1), |src,dest| src+dest );

for y in 0 .. dest.height() {
  for x in 0 .. dest.width() {
    match (x,y) {
      (1,0) | (2,0) => assert_eq!(dest[(x,y)], 4),
      (1,1) | (2,1) => assert_eq!(dest[(x,y)], 6),
      _ => assert_eq!(dest[(x,y)], 1),
