[][src]Crate resultit

Rust iterators return Option<Item>, but what happens if Item is a Result that could possibly be Err? This crate supplies iterator adapters to simplify working with so-called "fallible" iterators. The supplied adapters are independent of each other; you can use the whole crate with use resultit::*; or just the iterator adapter traits you want with (for instance) use resultit::FlattenResults. You are also free to take individual files (e.g. flatten_results.rs) and use them in your own source tree without depending on this crate.


// Use the flatten_results() and stop_after_error() iterator adapters.
use resultit::FlattenResults;
use resultit::StopAfterError;

// Use the TryError convenience/shorthand type.
use resultit::TryResult;
// Nested vector of results with different error types.
let v: Vec<Result<Vec<Result<i32, Error2>>, Error1>> = vec![
	Ok(vec![Ok(1), Ok(2)]),
	Ok(vec![Ok(3), Ok(4)]),
	Ok(vec![Err(Error2{}), Ok(5)]),
	Ok(vec![Ok(6), Ok(7)])
// Flatten v, stopping after the first error.
let v: Vec<TryResult<i32>> = v.into_iter()
	// Flatten the inner vectors.
	// Flatten/erase error types by converting
	// Result<Result<i32, Error2>, Error1> to Result<i32, E>
	// where E is a boxed error trait object.
	.map(|res| -> TryResult<_> { Ok(res??) } )
	// Stop iterating after the first error is encountered.
	// Collect into vector v for this example.
	// Could just as easily have done try_for_each() or any other adapter.

println!("{:?}", v);
// [Ok(1), Ok(2), Ok(3), Ok(4), Err(Error2)]


pub use flatten_results::FlattenResults;
pub use stop_after_error::StopAfterError;



Iterator adapter to flatten an Iterator<Item> where: Item = Result<IntoIterator,_>. See documentation for FlattenResults for details.


Iterator adapter to stop iteration after the first error is encountered. See documentation for StopAfterError for details.

Type Definitions


Shorthand for a Result with a boxed error trait. Provided for convenience, not a dependency of any submodule.