Crate rerun

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The main Rerun library and binary.




See Session and MsgSender.


This can act either as a server, a viewer, or both, depending on which options you use when you start it.

Feature flags

  • analytics (enabled by default) — Enable telemetry using our analytics SDK.

  • glam — Add support for some math operations using glam. Only relevant if feature sdk is enabled.

  • image (enabled by default) — Integration with the image crate.

  • sdk (enabled by default) — Embed the Rerun SDK and re-export all of its public symbols.

  • server (enabled by default) — Support for running a HTTP server that listens to incoming log messages from a Rerun SDK.

  • web — Support serving a web viewer over HTTP.

    Enabling this adds quite a bit to the compile time and binary size, since it requires compiling and bundling the viewer as wasm.

    You also need to install some additional tools, which you can do by running scripts/


These are the different components you can log.
Coordinate system helpers, for use with components::ViewCoordinates.
This module contains utilities to support Rerun examples.
Re-exports of other crates.
Things directly related to logging.
Time-related types.


The user-chosen name of the application doing the logging.
The name of an entity component, e.g. pos or color.
camera / "left" / points / #42
Facilitates building and sending component payloads with the Rerun SDK.
A unique id per recording (a stream of LogMsges).
This is the main object you need to create to use the Rerun SDK.


Where are we calling run from?
Errors that can occur when constructing or sending messages using MsgSender.


A type that can used as a Component of an Entity.
A trait to identify any Component that is ready to be collected and subsequently serialized into an Arrow payload.


Access a global Session singleton for convenient logging.
Run the Rerun application and return an exit code.