Macro rental::rental [] [src]

macro_rules! rental {
		mod $rental_mod:ident {
	} => { ... };
		pub mod $rental_mod:ident {
	} => { ... };
		pub($($vis:tt)*) mod $rental_mod:ident {
	} => { ... };

The core of this crate, this macro will generate self-referential structs.

This macro is invoked in item position. The body parses as valid rust and contains no special syntax. Only certain constructs are allowed, and a few special attributes and lifetimes are recognized.

To start, the the top level item of the macro invocation must be a single module. This module will contain all items that the macro generates and export them to you. Within the module, only two types of items are accepted: use statements and struct definitions. The use statements are passed directly through with no special consideration; the primary concern is the struct definitions.

First, all struct definitions must have a #[rental] or #[rental_mut] attribute to indicate that they are self-referential. These attributes may optionally take the option arguments of debug_borrow, deref_suffix, and deref_mut_suffix, discussed below.

Next, the structs must have named fields (no tuple structs) and they must have at least 2 fields, since a struct with 1 field can't meaningfully reference itself anyway.

The order of the fields is significant, as they are declared in order of least to most dependent. The first field, also referred to as the "head" of the struct, contains no self-references, the second field may borrow the first, the third field may borrow the second or first, and so on. The chain of fields after the head is called the "tail".

Because rental structs are self-referential, special care is taken to ensure that moving the struct will not invalidate any internal references. This is accomplished by requiring all fields but the last one, collectively known as the "prefix" of the struct, to implement StableDeref. This is not required for the final field of the struct, known as the "suffix", since nothing holds a reference to it.

NOTE: Because of a workaround for a compiler bug, rental might not always correctly determine the Deref::Target type of your prefix fields. If you receive type errors when compiling, you can try using the target_ty_hack attribute on the field of the struct. Set this attribute equal to a string that names the correct target type (e.g. #[target_ty_hack = "[u8]"] for Vec<u8>.

Each field that you declare creates a special lifetime of the same name that can be used by later fields to borrow it. This is how the referential relationships are established in the struct definition.

This is a all a bit to chew on so far, so let's stop and take a look at an example: ```rust

#[macro_use] extern crate rental;

pub struct Foo { i: i32 } pub struct Bar<'a> { foo: &'a Foo } pub struct Qux<'a: 'b, 'b> { bar: &'b Bar<'a> }

rental! { mod my_rentals { use super::*;

    pub struct MyRental {
        foo: Box<Foo>,
        bar: Box<Bar<'foo>>,
        qux: Qux<'foo, 'bar>,


fn main () { }

Here we see each field use the special lifetimes of the previous fields to establish the borrowing chain.
In addition to the rental struct itself, two other structs are generated, with `_Borrow` and `_BorrowMut` appended to the original struct name (e.g. `MyRental_Borrow` and `MyRental_BorrowMut`). These structs contain the same fields as the original struct, but are borrows of the originals. These structs are passed into certain closures that you provide to allow you access to underlying struct data. The `Mut` version only allows access to the suffix, but as a mutable rather than shared borrow.
If all the fields of your struct implement `Debug` then you can use the `debug_borrow` option on the rental attribute to gain a `Debug` impl on the struct itself. Also, if the suffix field of the struct implements `Deref` or `DerefMut`, you can add a `deref_suffix` or `deref_mut_suffix` argument to the `rental` attribute on the struct. This will generate a `Deref` implementation for the rental struct itself that will deref through the suffix and return the borrow to you, for convenience. Note, however, that this will only be legal if none of the special rental lifetimes appear in the type signature of the deref target. If they do, exposing them to the outside world could result in unsafety, so this is not allowed and such a scenario will not compile.
Finally, there is one other capability to discuss. If a rental struct has been defined elsewhere, either in our own crate or in a dependency, we'd like to be able to chain our own rental struct off of it. In this way, we can use another rental struct as a sort of pre-packaged prefix of our own. As a variation on the above example, it would look like this:
pub struct Foo { i: i32 }
pub struct Bar<'a> { foo: &'a Foo }
pub struct Qux<'a: 'b, 'b> { bar: &'b Bar<'a> }
rental! {
    mod my_rentals {
        use super::*;

        pub struct OtherRental {
            foo: Box,
            bar: Bar<'foo>,
        pub struct MyRental {
            #[subrental(arity = 2)]
            prefix: Box,
            qux: Qux<'prefix_0, 'prefix_1>,

The first rental struct is fairly standard, so we'll focus on the second one. The head field is given a subrental attribute with an arity argument. The arity of a rental struct is the number of special lifetimes it creates. As can be seen above, the first struct has two fields, neither of which is itself a subrental, so it has an arity of 2. The arity of the second struct would be 3, since it includes the two fields of the first rental as well as one new one. In this way, arity is transitive. So if we used our new struct itself as a subrental of yet another struct, we'd need to declare the field with arity = 3. The special lifetimes created by a subrental are the field named, followed by a _ and a zero-based index.

This covers the essential capabilities of the macro itself. For details on the API of the structs themselves, see the examples module.