Expand description
Crate Features | Description | Enabled by default? |
export-crates | Exports all the used MongoDB crates as a module called mongodb | Yes. |
unstable | Tap into unstable features from remi_gridfs and the remi crate. | No. |
tracing | Enables the use of tracing::instrument and emit events for actions by the crate. | No. |
serde | Enables the use of serde in StorageConfig | No. |
log | Emits log records for actions by the crate | No. |
// Cargo.toml:
// [dependencies]
// remi = "^0"
// remi-gridfs = { version = "^0", features = ["export-crates"] }
// tokio = { version = "^1", features = ["full"] }
use remi_gridfs::{StorageService, StorageConfig, mongodb};
use remi::{StorageService as _, UploadRequest};
async fn main() {
let storage = StorageService::from_conn_string("mongodb://localhost:27017", StorageConfig {
bucket: "my-bucket".into(),
// Initialize the container. This will:
// * create the `my-bucket` GridFS bucket if it doesn't exist
// Now we can upload files to GridFS.
// We define a `UploadRequest`, which will set the content type to `text/plain` and set the
// contents of `weow.txt` to `weow fluff`.
let upload = UploadRequest::default()
.with_data("weow fluff");
// Let's upload it!
storage.upload("weow.txt", upload).await.unwrap();
// Let's check if it exists! This `assert!` will panic if it failed
// to upload.
pub use mongodb;