Trait relm::ContainerWidget [] [src]

pub trait ContainerWidget where
    Self: Sized
{ fn add_widget<WIDGET, MSG>(
        relm: &RemoteRelm<MSG>
    ) -> Component<WIDGET>
        MSG: Clone + DisplayVariant + Send + 'static,
        WIDGET: Widget + 'static,
        WIDGET::Model: Clone + Send,
        WIDGET::Msg: Clone + DisplayVariant + Send + 'static,
        WIDGET::Root: IsA<Widget> + IsA<Object> + WidgetExt
; fn remove_widget<WIDGET>(&self, component: Component<WIDGET>)
        WIDGET: Widget,
        WIDGET::Model: Clone,
        WIDGET::Root: IsA<Widget>
; }

Extension trait for GTK+ containers to add and remove relm Widgets.

Required Methods

Add a relm Widget to the current GTK+ container.


The returned Component must be stored in a Widget. If it is not stored, a communication receiver will be droped which will cause events to be ignored for this widget.

Remove a relm Widget from the current GTK+ container.
