[][src]Function reikna::derivative::nth_derivative

pub fn nth_derivative(n: u64, f: &Function) -> Function

Return a Function estimating the nth derivative of f.

This function will return a Function that estimates the nth derivative of f using the limit definition of the derivative:

                    f(x + h) - f(x)
f'(x) = lim         ---------------
        h -> 0             h

Where h is equal to EPSILON. See the documentation for EPSILON for more information.

This function will use recursion to provide derivatives for n > 1.

It is important to note that the inaccuracy of the derivative estimates compound each other, the higher n is, the less precise the resulting function will be!

If n = 0, then a clone() of f is returned.


#[macro_use] extern crate reikna;
use reikna::derivative::*;

let f = func![|x| x * x];

let first_deriv = nth_derivative(1, &f);
let second_deriv = nth_derivative(2, &f);

println!("f(5)   = {}", f(5.0));
println!("f'(5)  = {}", first_deriv(5.0));
println!("f''(5) = {}", second_deriv(5.0));


f(5)   = 25
f'(5)  = 10.00000100148668
f''(5) = 2.000177801164682