[][src]Crate regen

The regen crate provides a library and an command-line tool for generating all strings matching a regular expression.

Generator construction

The Generator struct is the basic abstraction of the regen crate. Use the Generator::new method to create a generator with default options.

use regen::Generator;
let mut gen = Generator::new("[a-z]{2}")?;

Use the Generator::new_with_options method to create a generator with user defined option values provided in the GeneratorOptions struct.

use regen::{Generator, GeneratorOptions};
let opts = GeneratorOptions{max_length: 7};
let mut gen = Generator::new_with_options("[a-z]*", &opts)?;

String generation matching a regex

Use the Generator::append_next method to append the next generated string to an existing Vec<u8>.

use regen::Generator;
let mut out = Vec::new();
let mut gen = Generator::new("[a-z]{2}")?;
while gen.append_next(&mut out).is_some() {
    // Process 'out'...
    // and possibly out.clear() depending on the scenario.

For a more straightforward, but possibly less efficient way to generate strings, the Generator struct also implements the std::iter::Iterator trait.

use regen::Generator;
let mut gen = Generator::new("[a-z]{2}")?;
for out in gen {
    // Process 'out'...



A generator for strings matching a regular expression


The options with which to create a Generator.

Type Definitions
