[][src]Crate refinery

Powerful SQL migration toolkit for Rust.

refinery makes running migrations for different databases as easy as possible. It works by running your migrations on a provided database connection, either by embedding them on your Rust code, or via refinery_cli.
Currently, Postgres, Rusqlite, and Mysql are supported.

refinery works best with Barrel but you can also have your migrations on .sql files or use any other Rust crate for schema generation.


  • Migrations can be defined in .sql files or Rust modules that must have a function called migration() that returns a std::string::String
  • Migrations, both .sql files and Rust modules must be named in the format V{1}__{2}.rs where {1} represents the migration version and {2} the name.
  • Migrations can be run either by embedding them on your Rust code with embed_migrations! and include_migration_mods! macros, or via refinery_cli.


use rusqlite::Connection;

mod embedded {
    use refinery::embed_migrations;

let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
embedded::migrations::runner().run(&mut conn).unwrap();

for more examples refer to the examples





Embeds sql migration files and inserts a function called runner that when called returns a Runner instance with the collected migration files


Imports Rust migration modules with migrations and inserts a function called runner that when called returns a Runner instance with the collected migration modules.



An Error occurred during a migration cycle


Represents a schema migration to be run on the database, this struct is used by the embed_migrations! and include_migration_mods! macros to gather migration files and shouldn't be needed by the user


Struct that represents the report of the migration cycle, a Report instance is returned by the Runner::run and Runner::run_async methods via Result<Report, Error>, on case of an Error during a migration, you can acess the Report with Error.report


Struct that represents the entrypoint to run the migrations, an instance of this struct is returned by the embed_migrations! and include_migration_mods! macros. Runner should not need to be instantiated manually



An enum set that represents the target version up to which refinery should migrate, it is used by Runner